Chapter 2- Coincidence

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<Zander's POV>  

I absolutely dreaded the airport. Why does everything have to be so bloody complicated here? Exactly why you get here early and it’s a good thing I did too.  First, they couldn't pull up my flight ticket. Then I get stuck at baggage check. Lastly but not least my phone runs out of batteries and died. What a perfect start to the day.   

 Heading over towards my flight section was I spotted a charging station. Reaching around and grabbing my bag to rummage through my stuff to find the charger. I didn't even bother to look where I was going because all I could think of was: 

  I. Need. To. Charge. My. Phone. Now.  

 Finally locating the charger at the bottom of my bag I look up to find a girl running straight at me, right before we ended up colliding into each other with enough force to send the both of us on the floor.  


 "I'm so sorry! I didn’t mean to run into you. I have a flight to catch and..." She frantically tries to get out. 

"It's fine love. Are you ok?" I asked sincerely worried. 

 She looks at me wide eyed for a moment . I gave her one of my lopsided smile and she quickly looks away realizing I had caught her staring at me. Without another look she gathers her stuff off the floor in record time almost forgetting I had asked her a question.  

 "No... I mean yes I'm fine, thanks. Um, I have a flight to catch...bye!" 

"Uh bye...?"  

  Before I could say another word she was up and running desperately trying to catch her flight. I watched as she ran off and disappeared into the crowd, forgetting for a moment that my stuff was still on the floor. Picking my things up and putting it back into the bag I keep having this feeling that I was forgetting something.  

 I found an iPod with the headphones coiled around it in a teal case which I knew wasn't mine. Must have been that girl's. I put it in my bag for safe keeping and promised myself that I would somehow return it to her later. 

 Spotting my charger I remembered what I had planned to do in the beginning. I really need to charge my phone.  

 Wait. Where is my phone?  

 It wasn't in my bag and I had already picked up everything off the ground. Bloody hell the dreaded realization hit me, that girl must have accidentally taken my phone.  

 My day keeps getting better and better -note the sarcasm. 

 <Jaylen's POV>  


"We are now landing in London, England. It is now  currently 7:30PM. Thank you for flying British Airline. It was a pleasure serving you and have a wonderful evening." 

 The announcement interrupted my dreamless sleep as I woke up getting ready to get off. I swear that flight felt like forever and my neck is all stiff. I mean who wouldn't be if your neck was bent 90 degrees to the side for a couple of hours.   

 As they opened up the air lock doors I grabbed my bag and headed out. I could never get used to all the time changes it just messes me up. If I remembered correctly England is 5 hours ahead so it would have been only around 2:30PM back home. It's so much later here and I haven't ate anything, so I was starving. I need food.  

 I made my way over to baggage claim staring at the convator belt and hoped that just maybe by glaring at the damn thing it would start sooner. What can I say I'm impatient at the moment. It took about another 10 minutes for it to start and I waited for another 30 minutes for all the luggage to come out.  

 Where the hell was my stuff?  Yeah, I'm not in a good mood  so I kinda feel bad for the person I'm about to go talk to.  

"Ma'am,  my luggage is nowhere in sight and…." Trying to calm myself, "Just . Find. It." I barely get out in a somewhat decent manner.   

Sensing my foul mood the lady quickly tired to locate my luggage, saving herself the trouble of an argument.  

"We are terrible sorry you bag had been put on another flight…"  

"WHAT?" I interrupted before she could finish.  

 "Not to worry it was accidentally put in the next flight over from yours to London. It should be arriving about now. We are terrible sorry about the incident." She smiled the fakest smile I've ever seen.  

"Thank you," I mumbled before I recognized a voice beside me.  

 Turing to my left our eyes met and I think my eyes almost popped from my head and out of their sockets.  

 "YOU!" We both yelled at the same time. Pointing a finger at one another.   

 "Just when I thought the day was going to get worse. Thank god." He mutters.  

"What was that?" I asked not quite hearing what he said because my phone when off. It was a text from Joan. As much as I didn’t want to leave good-looking over there, I needed to go. NOW. 

 <Zander's POV>  

There she was standing right next to me. I mean what were the chances right? Not like I magically transported her over here. It’s just so weird how we ended up at the same place. For all I know she could have been flying to anywhere in the world, but here she was. 

 Maybe,  just maybe things are getting better. I just hope this last. Not that I’d jinxed it, right?   

 "What was that?" 

 "Uh nothing, oh right I think I have something of yours and you have something of mine. You'd dropped something when we ran into each other. I believe you have my phone."  

 She was confused for a moment until I pulled out her iPod and handed it back to her.  

 "Thanks, I'm Jaylen by the way." She then gives me the most beautiful smile or maybe being on that plane for so long was messing with my head. I don't know, but she puts up her iPod and searches for my phone.   

"I'm Zander, nice to meet you again." Flashing her a smile as she looks up to give me back my phone.  

"Sorry, about running into you and everything."   

"Not a problem."  

She turns and I realized she was about to leave. Without thinking I grabbed her hand stopping her.  

What did I just do? Damn it. Come up with something quick before she thinks you're some creeper! 

"Um, wait." Letting go of her hand to pull out a piece of paper and a pen, scribbling my number on it. "If you need any help getting around I'd be glad to help." 

"Thanks." With that she was gone.  

Nice going Zander you probably screwed it up. Mental slap to self.  

 It's nice to be able to update again! Starting off school and stuff was rough, but I'm hopping to be able to update on a weekly basis. 

 Constructive critisism is greatly appreciated. 

 If you like what you read or want more vote, comment, share! I will love you all! >.<

 HINT HINT* There is more to come and the troubles is brewing! <<< haha my Halloween pun lol jk it's only September.  

Song: I Wish by Cher Lloyd

I would love suggestions on who the charaters should be!!!

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