Chapter 6

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I never really like Mondays but this Monday seem to be the worst of them all.

I woke up at 5 am.

My head was pounding from all the crying I did.

I quickly got dress not paying much attention to what I put on.

When I opened the door of my bedroom on my way out, I found a sleeping Cameron. His back was to the wall and his long legs stretched out straight, blocking the pathway of the door.

I thought about waking him up to get him to go to bed but I really didn't to talk to him. I needed time away from him. Time to think. . .

The rest of my day went by in a blur, just like the rest of the week. I would wake up, get ready and head to work. After work I would changed into my lazy clothes and get dinner ready. In the middle of making dinner Cameron would arrive home from practice. He would warp his arm around me from behind and try kiss me on the lips, I would move from his embrace and turn my head .When dinner was ready, I would set his on the table and take mine into the library. I made sure to lock the door so he wouldn't try to follow me. Most days, when done with my dinner I would stay in the library or head to my room. At night before bed I would shower and go through my night routine, then once again I would head to bed alone but not before checking that the door was locked.

Friday was the day Cameron snaped. . .

I was in the middle of making dinner. We were having enchiladas with a side of rice and beans. I was working on the rice, when Cameron got home. I could hear him in the living room as he randomly threw his gym bag. The gym bag took down somthing with it , most like breaking it, when it landed. If I wasn't already mad at him, I would have gotten him in trouble for that.

As Cameron enter the kitchen, he took off his jacket and set it on one of the four chairs that  matched  the table and he greeted me with

              "Hey baby, how was your day?"

Then he preceded to walked up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist. For a moment I forgot that I was mad at him and I relaxed into his arms, soaking up the warmth of his touch. Loving the feel of his arms around me, but it ended all to quickly. When all the faces of the women he cheated on me with flashed through my mind, it was like a slide, one after another. I quickly push him away and continued with making dinner. 

From the corner of my eye I could see him standing a few feet behind me with his fist ball up.

"Stop pushing me away!" from his tone of voice I knew that he was extremely angry.

I stood absolutely still, I didn't even make an attempt to turn around. Cameron always has had anger issues but never, not once had he spoken to me like that or placed a harmful hand on me.

When he punched the wall I flinched but made no other movement.

"You need to stop this little tantrum of yours. Grow the fuck up. You be locking me out of my room, who the fuck do you think you are? This is my house! I pay the bills. And your my women. You do as I say. If I tell you to wipe my ass, you wipe it. Do you hear me?!?!"

Cameron closed the gap between us and harshly grabed my arm, turning me around. I tried to hold them back be a few tears escaped.

"Look at me when I talk to!" He screamed at me.

"Cameron let go. You're hurting me."

The moment I spoke, it was as if Cameron woke up and realize what he was doing. He looked at me then he looked down at his hands like he couldn't belive what he had done.

"I- I'm soo sorry, baby. I don't know what I was think."

He took a step towards me and I took two steps away from him. His eyes silently begged for my forgiveness.

"Baby, please. I-"

Cameron didn't finsh his sentence before he turned around and spirited away. When I was sure he had left, I headed towards our room and pack my most important belonging along with a couple changes of clothes, then I got in my car and drove to a hotel. Around  3 in the morning Cameron started call and didn't stop until I picked up around 6 am. He cried to me and beg me to come back, to not leave him. He kept apologizing and making me promises. No matter how much he hurt me, I couldn't stand hurting him, so I promised him that I would come over Sunday, after mass, to talk things over. Before we hunged up he said "I love you" and I couldn't help but ask him "Do you really?".

Today is Sunday. Mass has just finished. Instead of going to the usual church Cameron and I attend, I want to St. Anne and listen to mass in spanish. I have always enjoy listening to mass in spanish over english, but Cameron doesn't completely understand spanish. I did like St. Anne over my usual church, it has a more cozy and welcoming vibe to it, but to be honest I came here instead because I wasn't ready to face Cameron. My emotions were all over the place. I love him but he has hurt me too much. If I had gone to my usual church, Cameron would have been there and I just wasn't ready. I needed the extra hour of mass and the hour of the drive.

 Soon after I make my way to the home Cameron and I share. Once I arrive at the gate I notice that Greg, our security guard, is standing just outside the gate arguing with a women, who is screaming from the top of her lungs and cursing like a sailor. I park a few feet away from them and get out of my range rover. 

"What's going on here?"

They both turn towards me, realizing my presence. Greg looks irritated and the woman looks me up and down with distaste.

"Good morning, Mrs. King. We seem to have a small problem. This lady wants to go into your home but she is not on the list, neither did you or Mr. King have given me permission to allow her in, but don't worry Mrs. King, I'll take care of it." Greg informs me.

I turn towards the woman and ask

"Who are you?"

"I'm Tamicka Brown and I am here to talk to Cameron. He has to respond to me for getting me pregnant."

At that moment my world came crashing down.

She was pregnant.

She was pregnant with Cameron's baby.


Thanks for reading, sorry for mistakes and hope you enjoyed it.






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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2014 ⏰

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