The wake up call..

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-Paris's POV-

"Alright, that's enough, she has had her chance, we need the bed, it's over.."
"Alright, I'll go get the drip, and contact her partner,"
"We seem to have no contact with so called Chris anymore"
"Oh, alright, no other contacts?"
"No, they were all cut off,"
"Right, well she will just have to be registered and buried alone then, poor poor child"
"Do you need any help sir?"
"No,me will leave her be, I just need to inject the lethal injection into the drip bag and leave her to be at peace, it will take around 3 minutes to get the other medication out of her tubes and start the other drip fluid to get into her"
"Alright, let's go"


My eyes fluttered open,
My vision blurry, and my body was weak,
I looked to the side,
All these drips, tubes and hospital equipment,
I looked at my arms,
No cuts,
I frowned,
What happened?
I looked over onto the table, to see what looked like a lethal injection,
I looked up at my drip, which was re sealed with a plastic plaster,
I began to panic, my breathing quickened,
I tried to rip off the tubes but hands were too weak,
I became more and more light headed,
No I don't want to go.
Oh god.
My hands grabbed onto the metal poles at each side of the bed shaking them,
I looked over to see the emergency button,
My hand reached for it as I was getting weaker and weaker by the second,
I closed my eyes my hand resting into the button,
The sound of the alarm putting me at peace.


"Miss stall?"
I was shaken awake by a nurse,
I say up slowly in my bed,
"W..what happened?" I asked
"Miss Paris stall is that your name? Do you recognise that name?"
"Good" she said writing notes down.
"Paris, you were in a car crash and ever since then you have been in a coma for over two years"
I stayed silent,
"W..With who?,"
"We don't really have those details any more, however we tried to contact anyone on your contact list, however the only one we have left is unavailable," said the nurse.
I nodded tears pricking my eyes,
"On the bright side, we do know where you were staying"
"The arts college of Pennsylvania" she said
I smiled, I got into college?
"We will have someone drop you off there" she said
"Can you walk?" She asked
I nodded getting up,
I was still weak but I didn't care,
The weight on my feet felt nice.


I got changed looking at all my scars across my pale skin,
I can't remember,
All of this is all new to me,
I sighed and pulled on some jeans,
I looked at my shirt,
It was a Slipknot shirt.
I tried to think,
Slipknot.. Hmm. I turned on my phone,
Finding all my music,
I smiled,
"Slipknot" I said pressing play on Wait and Bleed,
I sat in the hospital bed listening to the sound that I have missed so so much,
I got all my things.
And headed to the car park,

I saw the paramedic who stood by the car and smiled,
I did weakly also and got in,
"I knew you'd make it out, surprising him are we?" He smiled
I looked at him weirdly,
Surprising who?
"Who?" I asked
"I- oh.. I'm sorry" he said
We stayed silent after that,
What was he meaning?
Who was I with?
I don't have any friends,
No one wanted to be friends with me.
I just.. Can't remember,

I got dropped off at the college, finding my dorm keys in my pocket of my jeans.
I smiled looking at the number.
I unlocked the dorm, being hit in the face with thousands of posters on the wall,
I smiled twirling in my room looking at all the tattooed men and women with dreadlocks, piercings and coloured hair.
And I just love it.
I stopped,
At the one poster I didn't recognise,
I looked closer to see the logo spelling
Motionless In White
I checked my phone.
I had no sings on my phone under that name.
Maybe I just got into them before the accident.
I shrugged it off,
I heard a knock at the door.
I opened it up,
"hello Paris it's me your photography teacher,new just got the call that you are awake, welcome back dear." He smiled.
It came back to me,
I came here to study art and photography and I got all the qualifications.
I smiled,
"Dear you can leave here, you have everything you need to be a professional photographer" he smiled,
"Yes Hun! And to start you off I give you a camera as a gift. Use it wisely, I will give you a few days to pack and then your off to the big wide world." He smiled leaving me.
I nodded closed the door.
I was tried surprisingly so I went to bed,
After half an hour of lying in silence,
Sadness hit me,
I was alone.
I have no family, no friends, no one,
Just my music.
I got my Rodger rabbit and snuggled into it.
Smelling it reminding me of my childhood,
Back when my mum was alive,many everyone was happy.
I sighed letting a tear slip,
It all doesn't make sense.
Maybe I shouldn't have clicked that button,
I am so lost,
I need something but I don't even know what it is,
A person?
No.,no one loved me before the accident, and no one will love me after.

Hey guys,
So Paris doesn't remember him
Will they meet again!
Or will they stay apart.
Comment what you think of the chapter,
I love you guys,
I dunno if I'll undo ate later or not,mine updated three times already but I dunno.

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