Joining Fairy Tale

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You were smiling and running towards the guild you wanted to join. Fairy Tale, it's been your dream since you were a kitten! Well a kid, but being a Neko, you called yourself a kitten.

"There it is!" you squealed as you ran faster. Finally, after all these years you were here! You kicked open the guild doors and got punched in the face.

"Damn it Natsu!" someone shouted. You were a bit dazed on the floor.

"It's not my fault she just popped up out of no where!" Natsu yelled.

"She kicked the doors open how did you not see her?!" the first voice shouted. You came to your senses a bit and shook your head. When your vision cleared you saw a pink haired guy vs a blue haired guy abut to fight. Raising an eyebrow and flicking your ear, you sucker punched the Natsu across the guild. That got everyone's attention.

"Welcome to Fairy Tale, I'm Mira Jane. Can I help you?" a white haired woman asked as she came up to you.

"Hi! I'm (y/n) and I would like to join Fairy Tale," you grinned as your ears stood up and your tail swished back and forth.

"Well since Gramps is out I'll gladly help you with that," Mira smiled as she walked you to the bar. She pulled out a stamp and you took off your jacket and moved your shirt so she could put a (f/color) guild mark on your shoulder.

"Thank you very much!" you smiled as you fixed your outfit.

"EVERYONE! THIS IS (Y/N) AND SHE'S OUR NEWEST GUILD MEMBER!" the drunkish woman next to you yelled. The whole guild hall cheered as Mira chuckled.

"Cana, you could have let her introduced herself," Mira smiled. You smiled and laughed, but stopped when you saw a shadow float past. You looked behind you and saw a floating tiki doll.

"Ooo," you purred lightly as your tail wiggled. You pounced after it, but it moved away and you landed on an empty table.

"Hey!" you poured as you pounced after it again, but you missed and crashed into someone's back.

"Hey!" the person yelled as he pushed you off. You saw the doll floating in front of your face and you snatched it from the air and sat up. Your (e/c) orbs grew as you turned it around.

"Let go of my baby!" the guy snapped as he pulled your tail. You hissed and punched his arm.

"Don't touch my tail," you growled lowly as you stood and walked off with the doll.

"Help!" it yelled. You looked down and toyed with it.

"Cool," you smiled as you let it fly around a little before you caught it again.

"What do you think you're doing?" the guy from earlier sighed as he sat next to you at the bar.

"Playing," you shrugged as you watched it.

"Can I have it back?" he asked. You looked at him but most of his face was covered in a helmet.

"Hmmm no," you said as you pawed at it. The man tried to reach for it, but you slapped his hand.

"Stop that," he said as he snatched the doll. Another one floated up and you grabbed that one.

"This one is mine now," you smiled as you scampered off to the job board.

"No it's mine!" the man said as he chased after you.

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