Hi! It's been practically three hours and I'm already inspired to write another chapter. Hope it satisfies :) These compilations are ones I had inspiration from books and fanfics - they pulled at my heartstrings and wanted to be heard.
You told me I was beautiful. You told me I was worth it. You told me I was everything you wanted. You told me you loved me. You told me lies. And I believed you.
S(he) be(lie)ve(d).
Every word was a lie. I didn't mind that. I did mind that I wasn't worth the truth to you.
Promises are even worse than lies from you. You gave me hope of something, hope you knew you couldn't keep.
Your intentions were good. But you didn't have the strength to follow through.
Every lie. Every broken promise. Every one of them is a tear etched on my cheeks.
A promise wasn't the only thing broken. My trust. My heart. They were broken too.
A heart is like a piece of paper. After you crush it, nothing can smooth it out again. So think next time before you talk, otherwise one day you realize the one you wanted was the one too crumpled to be repaired.
Broken hearts and broken promises. That is what the fragile life of a human gives us.
The irony is, for all the lies and unfulfilled promises you gave to me, I was the last broken promise you made.
You promised me forever. One month later, I was here and you were gone. Where are you? Why did you break the one promise you made to me?
The world likes to produce broken things: not just broken hearts and promises, but broken people too. That's the way it's always been, and the way it will always stay.
And done! Whew, that was a brain reliever. I'm looking at some of these, and realizing that in a way, I've been looking in quite an interesting way of how the world is. The amount of stuff I wrote for this was more than I expected.
Please Review this chapter. I have fun reading comments.PS I am thinking of posting some of this on my main fan writing account on fanfiction.net, at SummerSparkle5601.