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I didn’t plan on doing this it just kind of happened. Many people think I’m doing this for the popularity or the money.

Well they’re wrong I did this for Danny. She was my inspiration. I’m going to prove everyone wrong and show everyone.

That everyone deserves happiness no matter how it comes from whether its from eating a certain candy, reading certain book or loving somebody from the same sex as them.

Many people think I was a lesbian like Danny but I’m not. Some think I’m her sister but sadly I’m not.

Danny was a sixteen year old girl. She was a lesbian. She was bullied by all her school mates because she was. I always told her “Be strong, show them that their words don’t bother you. Show them that you don’t care what they think. ‘Cause one day you’ll rise above all of them and show them that you did it. That they didn’t stop you.” But she finally gave up those bullies won, she killed herself.

I still remember the day I walked into her room to see her hanging from the closet. It was the worst day in my entire life seeing a beautiful girl take her life. In her letters she said “I’m sorry everyone but I couldn’t take it anymore, I tried to be strong. I tried…”

That day I wanted to show the world what happens when we discriminate and judge. I 22 year old, Liberty Annie Ferawell promised to make our country a better place so kids like Danny can be themselves and not be judged, given rude and mean looks, so they can life a happy life, a life where they won’t be bullied for being themselves.

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