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(The photo above is Jaci)

Jaci's POV

Hi! My name is Jaci. I'm your typical fifteen year old girl. I think...

My parents are James and Terri Hyland. My dad is a lawyer. My mom is a nurse. I have two siblings, one is a girl, the other is a boy. Jordan and Jacob. Living in a house with them is hard, but I usually go in my room and read when they are being annoying.

Anyways, let me tell you about my interests. I'm not allowed to listen to boybands. Or any pop music to be honest. My mom talked my dad into letting me listen to Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande. If I want to listen to anything else, my dad has to listen to it first to approve.

Sadly, Beyoncé does not work.

My dad is EXTREMELY strict. He has rules for everything. I can't listen to any music that isn't christian music. I can't wear leggings outside of the house unless i'm wearing a skirt or shorts over them. I can't wear shorts, only capris. The list could go on and on.

But, the one that really bothers me is, I can't talk to any boys. I'm 15 years old, I'M MEANT TO DO THAT!

I can talk to them if an adult is around. But not alone. I'm not allowed to date until i'm 18 years old. Which probably answers your question, I've never had my first kiss.

Anyways, let's get on with the story!

A couple days ago, my family and I moved to a new neighborhood in LA. I used to live in Washington, so It's VERY different for me. But I really do like it.

I walk into my new room. I sit on my bed. It's really comfy. I honestly do like my room here more than I did in Washington.

I look at my phone. I'm only allowed to be on my phone for an hour a day. Which sucks, but I sometimes sneak my moms iPad out and go on it.

I realize that now that I live in a new state, it's a new start. I have to make new friends here. Which will be hard.

My dad yells down for me. I stand up and run downstairs. "Yes?"

I look at the door. A man and woman stand there. A boy my age stands next to them. "These are our new neighbors." My dad says. I wave and smile. I look at the boy. He smiles.

His eyes wee greenish brown and glowing. His hair is smooth and Brown. His smile is perfect. My heart beats fast. "Hi, i'm ." He says. I smile. "I'm Ja- Jaci. Jaci. I'm Jaci." I stutter.

He nods. "Well, do you guys want to come inside?" My mom asks. My dad lets them in.

He goes into the bathroom. I look at Caleb. "We can go up to my room," I point. I run upstairs. He looks around at the boxes.

"Sorry for all the boxes. We're not finished unpacking just yet," I giggle. He laughs. "It's fine."

We sit down on my bed. I look at him again. "Wait, I feel like I've seen you before," I say.

He tilts his head. "Really?"

I nod. I look down. "Oh my god! You're Caleb from Bratayley!" I say. He smiles and nods.

"Wow! I love Bratayley! It's really like the only thing I watch," I laugh.
"Cool!" He says. I smile and nod.

"So where are you from?" He asks.

"Washington," I say. He nods.

"That's cool!" He says. I grin. This is the first time I've ever talked to a boy that isn't in a school project group.

"So do you wanna trade numbers?" He asks. I open my mouth to say something. I'm in complete shock.

No one ever wants to trade numbers with me. Is this......Real?

"Uh, yeah! Sure!" I say. He nods and takes out his phone. "So what's your number?" He asks.

I look down. "Um, here it is," I write it down on a piece of paper. I hand it to him. He nods and writes down his number. He hands it to me.

"I should get going now, " He says standing up. I nod. "Thanks for coming over!" I say. He smiles.

"We should hangout sometime," He says. I look down. "Y-Y-Yeah. W-We should," I answer softly.

He walks out. I look down at the piece of paper. I go over to my phone and start putting it into my contacts. I put the paper into a drawer in my desk.

I hear footsteps coming up into my room. I look up at my dad. "Jaci, you know the rules," He mutters.

"I'm sorry! I just wanted to talk to him in private!" I say.

"You know you aren't allowed to be alone in your room with a boy. You're punishment is being grounded for the rest of the day and you have to do your chores."

I shrug. He leaves my room. I turn around and look out the window. How am I supposed to be friends with Caleb if I can't even talk to him?


I wake up. I roll over and look at the time. I sit up and rub my eyes. I climb out of bed. I pick out my outfit for the day. I find jean capris and a T-Shirt. I quickly put them on and brush through my smooth curly black hair.

I walk into the kitchen. I open the fridge and look for some breakfast. I get some milk and cereal. I sit down at the table. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I look up. Jacob walks in the kitchen.

"Morning," He says opening the fridge. "Good morning," I say softly.

He sits down next to me. "It's your turn to take out the trash today," He says.

"I know. I have to do all the chores today," I say.

My dad walks downstairs. "Jaci, chores."

"I know, I know." I mutter standing up. "Don't give me that tone!" He snaps.

I roll my eyes and go over to the trashcan. I take the trash bag out of it. I walk out to the garage. The garage is open. I throw the bag in the dumpster. I look outside. I hear yelling. I slowly walk outside. I see Caleb and his sisters outside on his driveway. I lean against the edge of the garage.

I stare at Caleb. His hair is so perfect. His entire face is. I feel my face starting to turn a little red. My hands start sweating. Is this, love?

"Jaci! Finish your chores!" My dad yells. I jump and turn around. "Sorry!" I say running inside. I grab the broom and start sweeping the floor by the door. I look out the window at Caleb. Still staring at him.

I think I'm in love.

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