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~DWMA Death Room~

The level of tension in the room was too high. So thick it could be cut with one of Erza's blades. So strong it was practically cutting off Wendy's air supply (and that was saying something seeing as it was the Sky Dragon Slayer). The tension was so heavy, it weighed down the Exceeds, forcing them succumb to gravity and stand on their two paws. The tension was so transparent and obvious, that if Gray were to cast a spell, you'd actually be able to see the frozen tension!

But most importantly, the environment was so serious, that if Loke were to pop up out of nowhere, he wouldn't even try to flirt with any of the girls! Taurus wouldn't even make a comment about Tsubaki's body! (Though its not like Black Star would let him get away with it).

But as the tension grew thicker and thicker, and the deafening sound of silence pierced everyone's ears, they all waited on Lord Death's next word, unconsciously inching closer in anticipation. Lord Death, stood there silently with a blank expression on his mask(?).

The audience waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited until Natsu and Black Star were ready to flip. Just as Natsu was about to let out a string of curse words, and Black Star was going to complain about his precious time being wasted...

"Well then, would anyone like some tea~?" asked Lord Death.

Everyone fell from shock.

"WHAT THE FUDGE?!" Natsu screeched. Lucy sweat dropped. 'Wow...So pissed he can't even get his curses right.'

"CUT THE CRAP GEEZER!" yelled Gray, who was surprisingly at his limit, too.

These two continued to expressed their anger, with the newfound support of Happy, and some disapproving remarks from Charla. At least the Exceeds were on their side. Erza, Lucy, and Wendy were still recovering. Apparently, it was too much for them.

The DWMA folks gawked at the display that was playing in front of them. Never had they seen anyone show such disrespect to Lord Death before! Yeah, probably a few comments from Black Star here and there, but nothing of this magnitude! However, just as Stein and Spirit were about to speak up, Lord Death sighed.

"I was just tryna loosen y'all up~ The tension had y'all weighed down~~" He raised up two peace signs.

'Who the heck do ya think created that tension you old fart?!' Something along these lines was the question circling everyone's thoughts.

Lord Death put his hands back wherever they originally were. He looked at Lucy. He sing-songed, "I apologize, Princess~ I'm just not a fan of being straight-laced~~"

Lucy looked at Death and gave a little chuckle. "It's fine. It's good to have a little laugh!"

"Yes, Yes my dear I agree~~" said Death, absolutely delighted.

In the back of Natsu's head, he swore he heard a voice yell, 'You're gonna go along with this joker, Luce?!' The thought was pushed away as he saw Lucy's smile.

God, did he love that smile. He loved seeing Lucy smile. She was always so happy and optimistic, always cheering everyone up. She was as bright as the Sun, which resembled her long, silky, flowing, wonderfully scented beautiful golden hair-Wait, what in the name of Mavis did he just think?!

When did he start thinking about Lucy like this? Of course he thought she was beautiful, but he also thought Mira was beautiful, and Lis, and, dare he say it, even Erza could be considered beautiful.

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