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Lucy, Natsu, and Wendy walked down the streets of Magnolia, hand-in-hand, with Wendy in the middle. As the distance between them and the guild lessened, remarks said by pedestrians were becoming... well...

"Wow... I never thought it'd come to this... Natsu and Lucy?"

"I always knew this would happen!"

"But what about Lisanna? Didn't she and Natsu have a thing?"

Natsu visibly flinched at this comment, but quickly regained his composure. Wendy and Lucy had noticed his sudden switch in emotions.

"Who cares?! This is the present! Congrats you two!!"

"Yeah, congratulations!!!"

"Having fun, Wendy?!"

"Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!"

And with that, the three mages ran to the guild, fearing what else they might hear, but cheering hadn't subsided even when they reached the guild halls. Natsu, Lucy, and Wendy sighed as they pushed open the guild doors. The first thing to greet Lucy was Lisanna's body forcing itself upon hers and Lisanna's arms strangling her to death and shaking her furiously. In the backround, "Man!" was continuously shouted.

"Lucy, oh my gosh! I can't believe you're a dragonslayer! That's so cool!" Lisanna was jumping up and down, completely oblivious to her suffering hostage.

"Li-Lisanna... I-I'm... I..." stuttered Lucy.

"Uh, Lis..." started Natsu.

"Amazing! Just amazing! How could something so great happen while I was out on a job with Elf-nii! I came back and they were throwing a party, but I didn't know what for! I'm never leaving the guildhalls again!"


Mira came from behind Lisanna and placed a hand on her shoulder, smiling the sweetest smile. She turned to face her older sister.

"What is it, Mira-nee?"

"Lucy's gonna die."

"Hm?" Lisanna's confused face soon turned to shock as saw the girl that laid limp in her arms. "Lucy! Lucy!" Lisanna panicked

"Hah... What a pretty light... Hello Mother, Father," muttered Lucy.

"We're losing her! Lisanna lay her down. Wendy!" Erza immediately took control.

"Already on it!" Wendy quickly applied first aid (which really shouldn't have been necessary for just a hug). Wendy wiped the sweat off her forehead and smiled at the crowd hovering above her. "She'll be fine. She'll just suffer from some light trauma when she wakes up."

"Trauma?" repeated Gray.

"Geez, Liz. Were ya going for the kill?" said Natsu teasingly

"N-No! I guess I got a little carried away..." she rubbed the back of her head nervously. "I was just so excited, y'know? Our guild has one more dragon slayer! Plus, it's Lucy! How can you not be excited when your friend just discovered a new magic?!"

"Yeah," Natsu grinned, "We know what you mean."

"Mmm." Lucy mumbled.

"Lucy's waking up!" Wendy said.

Lucy slowly opened her eyes. She looked around, slowly trying to recall what happened. Then her eyes landed on Lisanna, and everything quickly came back, memories flashing before her eyes like they were racing to her brain. Lucy sprang up and quickly scurried to the other side of the guild until her back touched the one of the stools at the bar counter. She was shaking in complete fear. Everyone sweatdropped.

'This is light trauma?' they thought.

"Lucy..." said Lisanna in an apologetic tone. She took one step and outstretched her hand. Lucy cringed and shielded her face with her arms, still shaking in fear.

Lisanna gritted her teeth and ran to Lucy's direction. Lucy closed her eyes and held her arms closer to her face, bracing herself for what might happen next. But what came wasn't what she expected.

Lisanna softly hugged Lucy.

"No one in the guild would ever hurt you... purposely," she quickly added. Lisanna ended the embrace, keeping her hands on Lucy's shoulders. She smiled the sweet smile Mira always smiled. "That includes me too Lucy." Lucy smiled. "Oh, and congrats on becoming a family with Natsu and Wendy." Lisanna winked. Lucy blushed scarlet.

"H-How do you..."

"We heard the townspeople when the guild doors opened."

Lucy groaned. In the background, she swore she heard Mira mumbling something about blue-haired, pink-haired, and blonde-haired babies. She then mumbled something about becoming an aunt...

"Now that that's been settled, Team Natsu please report to my office," said Master who witnessed the whole exchange from the comfort of the rail of the second floor balcony. "...immediately."

"Hm?" Everyone wondered what Master could possibly need at a time like this...

In Master's Office~

Team Natsu walked through the office door. Some a little more nervous than others.

"Whatcha want, Gramps?" asked Natsu.

"Yes," Master replied, "it's about Lucy."

Lucy blinked. "Me?" she questioned.

"Yes, my child. I have received some very urgent news, and I believe it's best to be safe," replied Master. "So, I have decided that Team Natsu will take on a mission to clear my suspicions... an SSS-class mission."

The entire team visibly jumped at this information.

"A-An SSS-class mission!? Are you sure about this Gramps?" Gray questioned.

"Y-Yes Master, I agree!" said Carla. "Are you sure we're ready for this?" Natsu, on the other hand, was practically (actually literally) jumping in joy.

"Let's trust in Master's judgment..." said Erza.

"YEAH ALRIGHT!" he yelled. "Finally you recognize my-I mean, our skill! Right, Happy?"

"AYE!" he replied.

Natsu and Happy began singing their praises, (until Gray couldn't take it anymore and started a fight with Natsu. And it all ended with Erza beating the crap out of them. Same routine).

Master, reaching the limit of his tolerance with all his children's foolishness, couldn't take it anymore. "SHUT UP YOU NOISY BRATS!" he yelled, which ended Erza's mini-torture session, Gray and Natsu's screams of pain, and the others' wails of horror.

Master sighed. "Your mission is to go to school." (Completely serious by the way).

"Huh?" You could literally see the question marks floating in the air above their heads.


"This is no ordinary school," he interjected, "it is one to train a special group of fighters that... well, you'll understand when you get there." He looked at each member in their eyes to see if they were still following. He stopped at Lucy. "You will start your dragon-slaying training there Lucy, because..."

As if the whole world was riding on his shoulders, Master grew pale. "...I don't think I can handle the repair bills that will come my way if you were to train here... But they might be worse over there!"

"Master, please calm down!" said Wendy reassuringly.

He breathed heavily, and soon enough he calmed down. "Anyway, you leave tomorrow. I will inform the rest of the guild members about your leave. Your destination is Death City, Nevada. You are dismissed... And don't cause any trouble!" Master called after them as they left.

Team Natsu went their separate ways after the talk with Master, preparing to prepare for tomorrow. But as they walked through the streets of Magnolia, one thought was shared among all of them...

I hope the repair costs aren't too high...

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