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"I want you", I said. "I always new I wanted you Taylor" I walked closer to him. "I love you" I whispered into his ear.

My emotions for him is so strong that I know that I love him. "I love you to Stevie" He said. A smile appeared on my face immediately. I jumped into his arms and kissed his lips.
"Hey, beautiful, wake up", "gorgeous, wake up", "Stevie, wake up"

My eyes fluttered opened to Taylor's voice. "Shut up" I whimpered. "Wow, someone's in a bad mood" he laughed. "She doesn't like people waking waking her up" Madison said giggled.

I ignored Madison, and kept My thoughts on the dream I just had. It was strange. Really strange. Why would I have a dream saying I love him.

I snap out of my thoughts and rolled my eyes. Me and Taylor are just friends, and sometimes enemies.

I  wrapped my arms around Taylor's neck. "Carry me" I said with a smile. He chuckled and Threw me over his shoulders without a warning.

I gasped but ended up laughing. I didn't think he was actually going to carry me. "So romantic" I said sarcastically.

He placed me down on the floor and just stared at me. "What?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "Nothing" he instantly said.

I ignored it and grabbed my beg out of the trunk. "Race you inside" I whispered into Cameron's ear. He smirked at me and started running.

As I was so close to beating him he ran faster. I stopped and just gave up. I was going to loose anyways, he's way to fast for me.

"Giving up already?" He chuckled. "You're to fast Dallas" I said crossing my arms. "Whatever you say bestie" he smiled like an idiot. I laughed and pushed him playfully.

"So we are bestie's" I said with a smirk. "Yes we are Ronaldo" he said. "Then we are best friends Dallas" I said locking our arms together.

We started skipping together like idiots Towards the house. "We are off to see the wizard, the man the wizard of Ozz" Cameron sang. I stopped and stared at him. "Cameron Dallas you are singing it wrong" I said. "Nah, I'm singing it right"

I rolled my eyes and searched up the song on my phone. "Alright listen" I said. I held my phone up to his ear and waited for the part to come up.

"Nahhhh, Stevie this shit is wrong I sang it right" he said crossing his arms. I laughed at him denying the truth and pushed him playfully. "You know it's right" I said.

We walked inside the house and gasped. It was huge, not only that it was beautiful. "Holy shit" we both said at the same time. "You like" Madison smirked.

"Do I like, I love it Madison, this place is goals" I said. "HOLY SHIT" the jacks yelled. We all started bursting into laughter. "Thats what we said" Cameron said.

The jacks plopped on the sofa next to Madison and went on their phones. "So who's sleeping where?" Nash said walking into the house.

"Well me and Cameron discussed this together because we know most of you will destroy the room if your with a certain person" Madison said.

Why do I have a gut feeling I'm going to be with Taylor. I mean Madison really wants me to get together with Taylor so bad, and I don't know why. I mean I don't like him like a boyfriend. I mean that dream didn't mean anything. Well I mean I think so.

"Room 1, Carter and Maggie"

"room 2, Aaron and Hayes"

"Room 3, Matt and Nash"

"Room 4, Shawn, jack j, and jack g"

"Room 5, Taylor and Stevie" she smirked at me.

"Room 6, me and Cameron" she said.

I slowly walked up to Madison and whispered into her ear. "I hate you for this" she laughed and whispered to me back. "You will thank Me" she said.

I rolled my eyes and walked into mine and Taylor's room. It was really nice. There was a huge window, a king sized bed, a walk in closet, and a washroom which makes everything even more great.

I threw my beg in the corner of the room and jumped on the bed. It was so comfortable that I can pass out any second. "This is a nice room" Taylor said. He flopped himself on the bed and huffed.

"This is the most comfortable bed I've ever been on" he said. "Yes, and I'm going to sleep, in 3, 2, 1" I said.

I went under the blanket and closed my eyes. "Hey, don't sleep yet, it's only 9:00pm" Taylor said while poking my face. "Shhhh, I want to sleep I'm tired" I said. "Can we cuddle then?" He asked.

I can just feel his smirk gazing at me. "Sure, why not" I mumbled. He crawled under the blanket and wrapped his arms around me. I was really comfortable.

        Soon enough I was passed out

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