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"First we are going to buy a dog at the pound" Taylor said as he parked the car. The hugest smile appeared on my face. "Are you serious" I said with a smile.

He kissed my cheek then slowly the Side of my lip. It was as if he was teasing me. I grabbed his face and slammed my lips onto his.

"Don't tease me caniff" I said. He winked at me and bit his lip. "We should go inside" I said. He nodded his head in agreement.

As we got Inside we saw only 3 dogs. They all looked so sad, I just want to bring all of them home with me.

"How long have each dog been in here for?" Taylor asked. "They've all been in here for 4 years, looks like everyone is going for the newer dogs" the lady said.

I frowned as I looked at all of them. I just can't choose one. "We will take those last three dogs" Taylor said. I looked at him and smiled.

"Are you serious," I asked. He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled. "Of course I am, they are all just so cute, just like you" he said.

I giggled and kissed his cheek. "Aw what a cute couple" I heard an elderly lady say. I just smiled. I didn't want to say anything back, cause I'm kinda thinking of saying yes to him.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" Taylor said raising his eyebrow. "Nope" I blushed. As I was about to hold his hand the lady came out with 3 of our Dogs.

I ran up to them and immediately started petting them and Giving them kisses. "What should we name them?" I asked Taylor. He smiled while looking at each one of them.

"Miles, Ray, Jackson" Taylor said proudly. "Wonderful" I said with a smile.

Me and Taylor grabbed our dogs and started bringing them to the car. "So
How is this dog thing going to work?" I asked.

He sat down in the drivers seat and looked at me. "Don't worry about that right now" he winked at me. I nodded my head and turned up the music as he started to drive.

"So where we going?" I asked. "Somewhere special" he smirked. I raised my eyebrow hoping to get more information which I didn't.

*skip car ride*

"Taylor, what is this place?" I asked while looking around. "This is an abandoned house, I've always came here whenever I was sad, angry, or just confused" he said.

A smile appeared on my face. Just knowing that he can share this with me.

"That's actually wonderful" I said walking closer to him. I grabbed his hands and locked them with Mine. "Yes" I said.  

He raised his eyebrow  but then realized why I said yes. "Looks like your my girlfriend then" he said wrapping his arms around me.

I smirked and placed a kiss on his lips, "looks like your my boyfriend" I said.


Sorry for the short chapter

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