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I feel this picture so hard. That probably didn't make any sense but I feel like all I need to do when people ask me why I'm always in my room, is show them this.

I have friends and I love them to death, but sometimes I just need some alone time and I need to be by myself and not be around anyone. I can be myself when I'm alone. And I'm sure most of you feel this way.

*If not comment how you feel. I want to understand you guys and question other Pisces to know how you act as a Pisces, not just guessing. *

Anyway, the uncomfortable feeling I get when I am with strangers. Especially when they're rude. I've told you guys before I can't handle rude people because I'm an awkward mess and would pee my pants if I told someone off.

I'm really shy and always thinking about how I can make my self look presentable and nice, but me being me, I am self conscious and think I'm ugly even when I try not be.

But I always tell my self, as long as my personality is beautiful, my outsides won't have to be.

Have a great day and talk to new people, raise that confidence! I love you, my little stars! Stay strong!

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