152 days before the wedding

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You'd think that once you grew up and the people around you started to get married and have kids that they'd all settle down and there wouldn't be as many parties. But, maybe it was because some of the people that I was closest to were rockstars and lived and breathed for parties. I mean, I guess it's a given that New Years is the best night and everyone no matter who you are celebrates in some form.

Me, I was in one of the biggest houses I've ever been in before. I didn't know who's house it was, or exactly who my connection to them was. But Reagan invited me and I honestly had nothing better to do.

"So, where's Derek tonight?" Re asked, as she moved slightly back and fourth to the music.

I shrugged as I looked around. The place looked like it was pulled straight from an interior design magazine. There was no doubt in my mind that it was a million dollar house, and that many of the people here were rich. You could tell by the designer clothes they wore. Maybe not by the way they were drunk or danced to the loud thudding noise of the music, but by the way they bragged about themselves.

"He went out of town," I told her casually.

She gasped, "he went out of town and didn't take you?"

I rolled my eyes at her trying to bother me. "He went for work, which means that I would've been stuck alone in a city I know nothing about. Didn't sound too much fun to me," I explained.

Reagan nodded, then shrugged. "Oh well, hopefully he just doesn't have another girl there waiting for her New Years kiss," she winked.

I laughed sarcastically. "You know, Derek is one of the first guys I can honestly say I feel safe that he won't cheat on me. We've talked about cheating before and he's had ex girlfriends cheat on him and he seems very strongly disgusted by it."

Reagan looked at me with her big eyes, and I knew that look was her 'here comes a speech' look. "I mean, it's good that you trust him, but how do you know for sure he never will?"

I shrugged. "Has Luke ever cheated on you?" I asked, half knowing that he hasn't, because I'm sure I would've heard about it. But maybe he did well we weren't friends, though I'm sure she still would've brought it up at some point already.

Reagan paused as she thought about it, then shook her head. "No, he's never cheated on me."

"See not all guys are cheaters, but a lot of them are." It was just one of those things that seemed to always happen. Guys never know what they want, and once they get bored they're done. Even the ones who know they love you sometimes do it - who knows why. I don't get cheating, especially since nothing good ever comes from it.

Reagan waved it off. "Okay, anyways. It sucks he's not around," she changed the subject slightly.

I shrugged. "Yeah, it kind of does," it did, but I also didn't really want to talk about it.

"So," she chirped and looked at me with her blue eyes wide and full of excitement. "Any New Years resolutions?"

I shrugged and looked at her with a face full of uncertainty. "Not really, I mean, I'm happy right now and my life is starting to fall into place. I don't really want to jinx it with trying to make resolutions for things I want to change." I reasoned. Even if it was mainly because I didn't really want to tell her exactly what I had thought of as new year's resolutions. I wanted to stop being jealous of the people around me, because really there was no reason to be jealous when I was happy with how I was with my life.

"Oh, well mine are to make sure I take Yasmin out to do more kid fun stuff. I mean, she gets to go around the world, but I want to take her to more picnics in the park so she can play on structures, and that kind of stuff. Also, I really need to start working out again," she looked down at herself. I rolled my eyes because Reagan really didn't need to workout. She had a fast metabolism and looked like she was in great shape, but I wasn't going to not encourage her to workout - since it is healthy.

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