Chapter 2

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"NOEL!" A voice shouted behind her.

Noel turned around to see Gabby running towards her.

"Gabby! It's good to see you again!" Noel said as she picked the little girl up.

"Hello, there." Arthur said as he walked up to the two.

"Mum! This is Noel! She took care of me when I got lost!" Gabby said as she hugged Noel.

"Ah, hello Noel. It's nice to meet you." Arthur greeted.

"Nice to meet you too." Noel said, "so what are you guys doing here?" Gabby was about to answer but her stomach growled again, and she groaned. "Ugh... stupid stomach. Won't even let me answer the question!" Gabby said, and Noel laughed. "Well, come on. Let's go in. I'll pay for you both." Noel said. "No, it's alright. I'll pay for it." Arthur said. "Don't worry. I got it." Noel said as they entered the resturaunt.

Gabby giggled, and then jumped out of Noel's arms and to their waiter. "I would like to have 30 burgers, a plate of two scones, 5 gallons of coke, and two cups of tea please!" Gabby said, and the waiter nodded and left. As Noel and Arthur chatted, Gabby ran off, and ran into someone. "Umph." Gabby said, as she looked up. "woah! Your huge! Noel!" Gabby called a little scared at how small she seemed to the taller male. "Gabby! Be careful!" Noel said as she picked the little girl up.

"Noel! What are you doing with them. They're  pirates!" He hissed at Noel. "Alfred! Calm down! They aren't that bad!" Noel yelled. "They're still pirates!" Alfred yelled angrily, and suddenly Gabby started to cry. "See! Look what you did! You made Gabby cry!" Noel barked at Alfred. Arthur sighed and took Gabby in his arms. "Hush, love. It's alright. Don't cry." Arthur said softly to Gabby, as he hummed a soft lullaby. Gabby's cries soon turned into hiccups, as she held tightly onto Arthur.

Arthur sighed and looked at Noel and Alfred. "I can see that we are not wanted here, so I will take our food and leave." Arthur said with a sad smile. "Goo-" Alfred started but was interrupted by Noel. "Arthur, stay. You don't need to leave. I'm sure once I-" Noel began but was interrupted by Arthur. "No, Noel. We cannot stay. Captain Jones has made it clear that he does not want us here. Like I said as we were chatting..." Arthur said with hurt in his eyes, "Me and Gabby will always be nothing but low class scum called pirates in his eyes, and nothing can change that." Arthur turned and grabbed their food to go, but before they could leave, Gabby jumped out of his arms and hugged Noel. "Bye Noel... I'll miss you." Gabby cried. "I'll miss you, too, Gabby." Noel said as she hugged her. "Come along, love." Arthur said with a small smile as he grabbed Gabby's hand, and they left the resturaunt... leaving and upset Noel with a triumphant Alfred.

"Good. They do-" Alfred was interrupted by Noel, who slapped him hard. "You idiot! You arrogant little brat! What the hell is wrong with you!?" Noel yelled close to tears, "Why can't you listen for once in your life!? Not all pirates are the same! Why couldn't you give them a chance!?" "N-Noel..." Alfred said as he watched his sister tear up. "You know! I joined the Navy with you to become great heroes! Not to hunt down innocent people, just because they are pirates!" Noel yelled and then sighed, and then she turned, "I'm leaving... I'm gonna go find Arthur and Gabby." Noel was about to leave, but Alfred grabbed her wrist. "Sis... I'm sorry... I acted like an idot... and this is an island of peace... I'm sorry... I was being irrational and should've listened..." Alfred said guilty, but Noel pulled away harshly, and glared at him. "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to... You really hurt him with your words. I can't believe my big brother would actually say something as cruel as that!" Noel said, and then quickly left the resturaunt and started searching for the two pirates. "Noel!" Alfred yelled and followed her, "I'm sorry!" "Then go apologize to them!" Noel yelled as she looked around for the two. Alfred sighed, and looked around as well.

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