Fall of Alexandria part 2

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As walkers closed in on you. Father G. grabbed your hand trying too pull you away but you couldnt move you were froze crying. "c-carl....." You whimpered out. A walker grabbed you and was about too sink its teeth into you when Father G. Sliced it in the head. He pulled you too the Infirmary.  "C-c-c-c-carl......" You were still frozen when he took you in. The world was spinning. Father G. went out and killed some walkers. Denise set you down next too him as you held his hand. "Carl please be okay..." You kissed his lips and you drew your knife as you went outside and killed some walkers. (Time to change some things) Tara ran up next too you. "You okay (y/n)?" Tara asked you. "ya...." A walker sunk its teeth into Tara's neck. Tara coughed up blood as her love ran outside. "TTTTAAARRRRRAAAA!!!!" Denise screamed. Tara fell by your side as you began too cry. You stabbed the walker that bit her. "....." You stayed quiet as Denise stayed beside her. "(Y/N) GET HER INSIDE!!" Rick screamed. Denise stood up and began too walk into the horde. "DENISE!!!!" You screamed as she charged into the horde. Walkers began too tear her apart. "DDDDEEEENNNNNIIIIISSSSEEEE!!" You screamed a blood rattling scream. Tara was choking on blood when you pulled your knife back out and killed a walker when you saw a walker dig into Tara's leg. "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Tara screamed. you stabbed the walker. you pulled your gun out and put it too her head. You pulled the trigger as her blood splattered on the house. "goodbye T-Tara..." You said too your self as you fell too your knee's. your blue jeans getting dirty with dirt and Tara's blood. you looked at the horde that was still eating Denise. Daryl look over as the group began too fight threw the horde. You were there frozen surrounded by the 2 people that you growned too love. Walkers began too surround you when Rick and Carol lifted you onto your feet and killed the walkers around you. Carol took you inside too Carl who was on the bed his eye bandaged. "Im sick of this shit.." You said too Carl as you held his hand. "COME ON WE CAN BEAT THEM!" I heard Rick scream threw the walls. I pulled my gun out went out and shot some walkers getting too close too Carl or anyone else. "AHHHHH!!!" Morgan screamed you looked at him a chunk of flesh missing from his chest blood pouring out 3 walkers took him down and began too tear him apart. "AGGGGHHHH!!!!" Morgan screamed in pain. you shot the 3 walkers when Rick took your gun. you pulled your knife out and joined them as you killed walkers.
(Time Skip too after this and on a run with Daryl, Rosita, and Carol.)
We all got into the truck and drove off. "Were going too need a new medic soon." Carol said. We got too a tree that had fallen on the road. "Stay here." Carol told you as you nodded your head. "There's not way we can get this tree out of the road." You heard Daryl say from the truck. "Come on we have too walk from here." Rosita opened the door and said. You crawled out of the truck and walked after Daryl and Carol. Rosita looked around making sure no one was following us. we eventually got too the store where Denise wanted too go. "rahh!!" A walker said. "Just one and it sounds like its trapped Daryl said as him and Rosita climbed over the counter. Me and Carol went too check out the walker. it was a walker who had a cast on. It was trapped so Carol killed it but there was a child's shoe on the floor you went outside feeling sick. you cried a little as you stayed out there. "I told you. your not ready too go back out." Carol said. Rosita and Daryl came out as we walked back. "There could be something in that cooler." Carol said. she went too the side and took out as a walker jumped on her. I pulled my knife out as i charged over too her and killed the walker on top of her. She opened the cooler and pulled out a Orange cola. "Do you know what this means too me.. i mean the reason i brought you was because Daryl makes me feel not along and i brought Rosita because this is probably the first time she has been alone.. im sick of thi--" Carol was cut off by a arrow flying threw her head right threw her eye. "shit...." Carol said as she fell into Daryl's arms. You cried as Dwight and other saviors came out of the woods with Eugene. "Im going too blow Eugene's brains out if you dont put down your shit no one else has too die." Dwight said. you put your weapons down even tho you wanted too blow his brains out Daryl probably wanted too do the same thing. Eugene looked up as he bit dwight in the dick. "SHIT GET HIM OFF ME!!!" Dwight screamed as Abraham began too shoot some saviors you pulled your pistol out and began too shoot with Daryl and Rosita. The saviors retreated as We carried Carol back too Alexandria. We buried her as i thought we were stupid going out there. you cuddled next too Carl as he wrapped his arms around. "C-carl i dont want too go back out no more." You said.

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