thirty-two: between the sheets

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thirty-two: between the sheets

"Love, you gotta be quiet or else you're going to wake up the kids." Zayn whispers, moving from his spot between Louis' thighs to look up at Louis. Louis was already a completely wreck, sweat covering his forehead, his lips swollen and his breathing coming out in short pants. Louis bites down on the inside of his cheek, but it still doesn't muffle the moan that escapes past his lips as Zayn nips softly at the skin on Louis' thighs. Zayn chuckles, shaking his head a little as he moves up so he can place a soft kiss onto Louis' lips. Louis' hand grips at the back of Zayn's neck, keeping Zayn's head stationary for a moment as he continues to kiss Louis. 

"I love you." Louis pants out, letting out a whine when Zayn stands up from the bed to shed the rest of his clothes. Louis props himself up on his elbows, watching as Zayn takes his time unbuttoning his shirt. 

"Liking the view?" Zayn asks, winking as Louis rolls his eyes. A grin forms on Louis' face as Zayn finally joins him back on the bed, reaching over for the lube and condom that he'd placed onto the sheets. Louis moves so Zayn has easier access, watching Zayn with hooded eyes as Zayn rolls on the condom. Louis' mouth forms a perfect o when Zayn finally enters him, a soft moan escaping his lips as his hands grip the sheets. Zayn lets out a grunt, burying his face into Louis' shoulder. It takes Louis a moment to get adjusted, breathing in through his nose before giving Zayn the okay to move. The room was filled with quiet moans as Zayn starts to move, pulling out of Louis slowly before easing himself back in. Louis' hands moved away from the bed sheet, reaching for Zayn's back as he digs his blunt fingernails into the exposed skin. Zayn buries his face into Louis' shoulder, kissing it softly as he continues to move. It doesn't take long before Louis felt the familiar tight feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"I'm close..." Louis pants out Zayn doesn't say anything, pulling out of Louis one last time before slamming into him rather harshly. Louis comes with a soft moan at the same time Zayn comes into the condom. Just as Zayn starts to catch his breath, there's a knock on the door. Zayn pulls out of Louis, landing on his back as he lets out a groan of his own.

"Goddamn kids." Zayn whispers, earning a laugh from Louis. Zayn rolls off the condom, tossing it into the garbage. 

"Maybe if we're lucky... He'll go away." Louis whispers back, leaning over the edge of the bed for the pair of underwear Zayn had thrown onto the floor. Louis knew for a fact that whichever boy it was at the door, they weren't going to go away. Especially if it was Ethan, he'd grown used to sleeping in the same bed. 

"Mummy?" Ethan's voice sounds from the other side of the door, followed by a rather loud cough that had Louis practically scrambling off the bed at that point. Louis pulls on his underwear and Zayn pulls the covers up over his bottom half so that Ethan wouldn't be scarred for life. Louis unlocks the door, kneeling down so that he's level with Ethan. He pushes the hair out of Ethan's eyes, placing his hand on his forehead to check for a temperature even though he knew he wasn't going to have one.

"How long have you been coughing, baby?" Louis asks, his voice quiet as he looks at Ethan with a worried expression.

"Dunno." Ethan whispers back, pouting a little as Louis gives him a tight smile. 

"Did you take your medicine?" Louis asks, earning a nod from Ethan which in turn made Louis feel even more worried. He was really hoping this wasn't one of those flare ups the doctor had mentioned. Louis looks over at Zayn who is pulling on a pair of sweats underneath the cover. Zayn climbs out of the bed at that point, walking over to the two of them and looking Ethan over but the little boy didn't seem to be in any distress. 

"Chest hurt." Ethan says, pouting even more which makes Louis feel even worse. Louis bites down on his bottom lip, unsure of what to do. He didn't want to make a big deal over just a little cough, but he also didn't want to experience a full on asthma attack. 

"I don't know what to do." Louis whispers, looking at Zayn with wide and terrified eyes. Zayn bites down on his bottom lip, knowing exactly how Louis felt because Zayn had no clue what to do either. The doctor hadn't really given them a list of things that they were supposed to do when Ethan's asthma treatment didn't work.

"I sleepy, I sleep here?" Ethan asks, looking at Louis expectantly. Louis lets out a shaky breath before nodding, knowing that there really wasn't much else they could do right now. So Louis picks Ethan up, allowing the toddler to bury his face into his shoulder. Louis looks over towards the bed with a frown, not really sure if he wanted to let Ethan sleep on the sheets that Louis and Zayn just had sex on. Zayn can't help but chuckle, knowing exactly what Louis was thinking.

"I'll go change the sheets, how about you go get him something to drink while I do? Maybe that'll help with the cough." Zayn says, kissing Louis' cheek before walking over to the bed and pulling off the sheets. 


chapter ending be on point.

but hey, zouis smut.


like i've said before, i don't really write smut tbh.


I need help picking which cover to use for book number four. I got the title figured out, I just don't know which cover I want to use... keep in mind that they aren't really finalized, so they aren't amazing. So yeah.

Cover A:

Cover B:

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Cover B:

Cover B:

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Dedication goes to Malum_Larry_Trash1

QOTC: can't really think of one so just comment your fave thing about this chapter (although I already have a pretty guess on what everyone's favorite thing was....)




Connie xx 

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