thirty-three: mother bear

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thirty-three: mother bear

"Maybe we should take him to see his doctor again..." Zayn says a few hours later. Ethan was still coughing, unable to sleep due to the pain in his chest. Louis was at a loss, unsure of what else to do because the doctor hadn't really explained to him what to do in this situation.  Ethan's coughing seemed to be getting worse, no longer the short simple ones that came and went after about a minute. Louis was mentally taking note at how long it took for Ethan to go back to breathing normally, his worry getting even worse the longer it took for Ethan to breathe. 

"Does it sound like it's getting worse? It sounds like it's getting worse..." Louis says, looking at Ethan as he bites down on his bottom lip. Louis was having a hard time concentrating on anything else besides the little boy. He felt useless every time Ethan lets out a cough or his breath comes out in a wheeze. 

"We might have to take him into the emergency room..." Zayn whispers and Louis didn't like the sound of that. Emergency room was a last resort, one that Louis was really not wanting to have to do. Ethan was scared of hospitals as it was...

"Do you really think it's that bad?" Louis whispers back, unable to take his eyes off of Ethan as he lets out another wheeze. Ethan's wheeze turns into a fit of coughs, some of them so harsh that his face turned a very scary shade of red. Zayn didn't even hesitate in nodding, already climbing out of the bed to grab a shirt and some shoes. Louis bites down on his lip again, this time a little harder because Louis really didn't want to rush Ethan into the emergency room. 

"I would much rather be safe than sorry, besides there isn't anything else we can do for him. The hospital will know what to do." Zayn says, reaching for Ethan as Louis carefully passes the still coughing toddler over to Zayn before he too stands up from the bed.  

"Lou, you gotta stay here." Zayn says, even though he really didn't want to tell Louis he couldn't be there for Ethan. He could already tell it was going to drive Louis insane, but they couldn't exactly leave Quinn and Nathan home alone. Louis looks at Zayn like he's lost his mind because there was literally no way in hell that Louis was going to stay home. 

"You can't expect me to stay here." 

"We can't exactly drag Quinn and Nate to the hospital, Lou. It's the middle of the night." Zayn says, keeping his voice down because he doesn't want to fight with Louis especially with Ethan possibly having an asthma attack. Louis seems to understand what Zayn is saying though, agreeing with him even if it was the last thing he wanted to do. 

"Okay... Just... Call me when you get there?" Louis whispers, sitting back down on the bed and pulling his knees up to this chest. Zayn nods, kissing Louis' cheek before he walks out of the bedroom. 


"Mummy? Where Ethan?" Nathan asks, looking at Louis from his spot at the table as he eats breakfast. 

"He's with Daddy." Louis says, looking down at his phone. It had been roughly two hours since Zayn had left with Ethan and all Louis had gotten was a text from Zayn letting him know that Ethan and him had made it to the hospital in one piece. Louis was about ready to throw Nathan and Quinn into his car and drive to the hospital himself, unable to deal with worry. He should be the one with Ethan right now.

"Where Daddy?" Nathan asks and Louis bites down on his bottom lip so harshly that he's pretty sure he's drawn blood. 

"He's at the hospital with your brother." Louis manages to get out, running a hand through his hair as he takes a deep breath. He didn't like this, he didn't like not knowing what was going on with Ethan. 


"Because Ethan wasn't feeling good." Louis says, unsure of what else to really tell Nathan. He was too young to understand what exactly it was going on with his little brother. Louis hadn't really been able to explain to Nathan why his brother couldn't do certain things and why he was always coughing. 

"Is Ethan dying?" Nathan asks, looking at Louis with wide eyes and he stops eating. Louis doesn't answer Nathan for a second, mainly due to the fact that he wasn't really paying attention to him right now. It wasn't until he heard quiet sniffling that Louis realized that Nathan was crying. Louis looks away from his phone, practically running over to Nathan's side and pulling the toddler in for a hug.

"What's wrong baby?" 

"Ethan dying!" Nathan wails, holding tightly onto Louis' shirt as if it was the only thing keeping him grounded. 

"Oh no, baby... Ethan's just sick baby... He isn't dying." Louis whispers, trying to reassure Nathan but Louis was having a hard time doing that right now... especially being since Zayn hadn't said a single word for the past two hours. 

"I sorry I call him baby. I sorry, Mummy. Did not mean." Nathan continues to wail, looking up at Louis as tears practically stream down his face. Louis wipes them away, kissing the toddler on his forehead as he holds him as close as he can.

"I know you didn't and your brother is going to be just fine. Okay?" Louis says, looking away from Nathan when his phone starts to go off. Louis doesn't even hesitate in answering, holding the phone to his ear with much difficulty due to the sobbing toddler in his arms.


"You're probably going to want to bring the kids to the hospital. Ethan's going to be here for a while." 



what is connie doing?

she doesn't know tbh.

Dedication goes to warzoneziam

QOTC: um... can't really think of one tonight tbh.




Connie xx 

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