Warning SMUT!!(you:FINALLY!Me:YEAH!)

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SSundee POV : I woke up at 11 pm? I was surprised it wasn't that late. Crainer woke up when I woke up and I want to have fun with him alot of fun. and I asked the question (A/N SMUT FINALLY FOR YOU PERVERTS!) " Hey Crainer do you wanna have sex? " his face turned red and he nodded yes and where about to begin the fun. (WARNING AGAIN SMUT NOW HERE WE GO! GET READY) He toke his boxers of and I grabbed a lube and put it on my penis and teased his but he got a bit mad and said "Can you just start?!" "Ok Crainer jeez I pushed my thick cock in slowly and he let out a long moan "~ohhh" then I pushed it all the way through he shouted "Dude becareful i'm vegian!" "I know." I then started pushing harder and faster and them a large load of cum.It aparantly it was all over the floor and bed.


Crainer POV :Damn Ian just let out a ton of cum all over me! " D-damn Ian t-that w-was crazy." I loved that big thick cock and gave him a blowjob and when I finished we fell asleep I dreamed of me being a girl and having sex with ian it was weird but it was just a dream. The next morning Ian was taking a shower and I got my clothes and wen't and made some bacon and eggs. When I finished Ian walked in the kitchen and said"Good mornin Crainer." "Good morning Ian." He kissed my cheek and said "Hey Crainer I think you want to look at your twitter." "WHAT GOING ON?!" I ran upstairs and got on the computer and on my twitter page and I GOT REALLY PISSED ABOUT WHAT EVERYONE IS SAYING! #ALLGROWNUP #CRAINERLOVESCOBBLE I ran downstairs and yelled "IAN!!!" I GOT REALLY MAD AND FLIPPED! 

That's all for now it's really late I should be in bed cause I need to go to school in a couple hours BYYE STARS I'M calling you stars BYYYE  

~~~~ Star <3

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