chapter 1

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My names Annora and I'm the typical dauntless kid full of mischief and energy something my father could never control ever since my mother died we both became distant from each other he started giving me orders around the house instead of asking i became to him like everyone else instead of his daughter he pushed my away as i pushed him.

He became more protective and strict not letting me go anywhere with out him knowing i had no freedom, he wouldn't let me leave the compound or wonder the halls he wouldn't let me go to party's he put me on leach and wouldn't let me do anything he didn't want me to. This made me want to rebel even more because it annoyed him his perfect reputation being busted because i wouldn't listen 'hah' he only cared about his work. well i was saying being on a tight leach this made me rebel even more and made it more fun pranking him and people sneaking out of the house, running out of the compound talking back arguing in public every thing under the moon that made him cross i did it an example of this was when i was 13 i would always sneak out of the house because he wouldn't let me go anywhere with out him i got so annoyed i sneaked out he got so infuriated with this he locked me in my room i mean literally locked my in my room he padlocked the door for crying out loud every night for 3 months he would lock me in my room so i wouldn't sneak out.

'hahahaha' laughter fulls the emptiness in the halls as me and my friends sprint down the halls of dauntless i had just done one of our famous pranks on the leaders dorm me and my friends are best known in dauntless not by our parents but by our pranked we are the only ones in the hole dauntless that have and most probably only will prank the leaders of dauntless as the rest are all pansycakes to even try let alone think. Clio and keiaan were running behind me as we sprint down the halls to our favourite spot the chasm the only one spot that we can go to that's not padlocked shut.

i lie down at the edge of the chasm with my feet dangling of the edge feeling the waves crash on my feet it icy cold water refreshes me every time i sit here.

i let out a small chuckle "hay Clio, keiaan do you think there going to kill us after what we just did you know the prank" they all let out a small chuckle "dude serious-" i turn to face keiaan who has his back on the wall his right leg bent with his right arm over his right knee his brown hair is now all messy and sticking with sweet "do you think they'll kill us i know my dad will he hates the colour blue and we put blue dye in the leaders water supply witch they shower in" ow yes i forgot to mention my father is leader i guess that information was important oh well i sit up turning my self to face Clio who is sitting quietly by my side her face lights up in a smile "well then i guess we should go and get the tattoo we've always wanted before you know they kill us" she stands up letting her blond locks drap down her arms keiaan was the next to speak "and maybe try some alchol since you know were dead already" we all laugh and stand ready to leave we start to walk " race ya to the tattoo parla" i scream as i print down the misty halls past people who wave at us cheering a us for running ha i never got that we reach the parlor me being tied with keiaan again ugh he can run man when i suddenly feel a large tough hand reach my wrist yanking me back woods 'ouch' i tumble back onto hard muscular chest as the scent of him waffle into my nose i know that sent there's only three people in the hole of dauntless who would grab me I'm steering at 2 right now their skin went pale and their eyes were as wide as a hawk you can see a smirk on there face or you can tell they want to laugh but there to scared to even blink the only other person in dauntless that would touch me is my father and that scent only belongs to him.

i can feel his breathing in the movement in his chest i can hear the anger in his breaths from the feeling of his skin and his clothing feeling damp he just had a shower uhh ohh it just had to be him why not Michael or Lauren or max even that would be halerous nope just had to be him. I know i cant see his face but i know he is sending daggers at my my friends and the back of my head "you two need to head home your parents are waiting for you there" his scruffy deep leader voice says echoeing through out the parlor stoping everyone from what they were doing i herd some few chuckles and i can see some smiles from inside my friends faces automatically nod and run off passing me on there way out whispering "good luck" on there way. his wet hand witch i believe is wet not from the water but from sweet leaves my hand as he grabs my shoulders spinning me around like I'm a princess in the fairytale my mum used to read me i follow the movement so now I'm facing him 'huh' oh my he looks like a smurf bright blue hair with his hazelish blue eyes if only we put him in white he could be grouchy smurf i let out a small chuckle witch earnt me a death glare from my father before his deep voice spoke "Annora cyra Jameson do you think this is funny" i duck my head trying to hide my smile " well papa smurf or should i say grouchy smurf i believe it is" i say in a sarcastic voice witch earns more laughs from the parlor he grunts in fustration and anger as he screamed out to everyone else " GET BACK TO WORk" every one gets back to work leaving me to face my father alone like always his hand tightens on my shoulder as he begins to drag me down the halls of dauntless neither of us spoke I've learnt that when he's like this just let him be have his little tantrum the silence wasn't an awkward one either but it made the walk seem like for ever he never once looked at me or anyone else that we past "ow dad your grip hurts" he ignored my outburst and kept dragging me 'well that didn't work' i said at the back of my head so i decided i would struggle at his grip drag my feet stop walking but again nothing worked his grip just tightened and started to drag me faster through the halls of dauntless seriously his grip hurts' i must sound like such a woss.

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