Chapter 5

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"stop complaining your coming and that's final" I plunge my body into the seat and moan in annoyance i cannot believe he's forcing me to come to all places. The journey was short and silent and boring the windows are blanked out so you can't see outside and my dad was quit and steering at his tablet. when we arrive outside Erudite there was an escort awaiting us. two males and one female I believe the female was Jeanine's assistant Janice born and bred in Erudite I don't know the males they look like ex Dauntless there to buff to be born in Erudite but then again look at Eric. the walls are plain white with little bits of blue it's so plain and boring I could die from it. I'm forced to sit outside the office were the meeting is being held.

It's been an hour since we arrived at Erudite and they are still sitting in the meeting room. People in blue walk back and forth giving me weird looks carrying their books and pushing their glasses up their nose analyzing me. Their steers are irritating and nerve raking, do I look like your book or your computer data. No I do not, I'm just a girl sitting here waiting for her god dam father to get out of his meeting before I go insane. Everything here is different from Dauntless, just looking at their work space says enough, It's tidy and neat and everyone seems organized as well as actually doing their work. When they achieve something they shack hands and congratulate each other but quietly not loudly and full of excitement, It's dell and boring. No one really communicates with each other either. Bored and over sitting here doing nothing I decide to go for a walk.

After leaving the Erudite building I decided to go down a few alleyways and a few turns right and left. Everything is different out here, the homeless are everywhere going through bins looking for whatever they could fine and occasionally there were some Abnegation helping them. Most of them avoided my gaze or moved out of my path. Probably thinking I was an actual dauntless citizen, the roads are full of garbage and spells like a dump, I never actually noticed how run down these parts are, it makes me quite sad on how much these places got run down, and how these people now live their lives. Once members of factions or apart of the 'society' as Jeanine puts it. Are now factionless living on the streets with nothing but their bear cloths on their back, it's kind a sickening knowing that these people were members of a faction the thrown out like trash like their work never matted.

I lost track of the time and where I was going, it all just fells free and peaceful being out here, I know that they are 'Out cast' but being in this area it makes me feel like I'm me no dad or Jeanine or faction leaders forcing their faction laws on me. I can be free I can be me. My peaceful moment was interrupted by my pager beeping. O great it's dad, my peaceful walk is now terminated and my groundment is now a death penalty. I let out a little laugh before I pick up my pager with my left hand "hello grouchy smurf, how may I help you" I say while still walking down the street. The pager was quiet apart from his breathing through the speaker and so was the street. No one was on the street and the ones that where you could only see them through the windows of the rotting buildings that still lay here. "Annora where are you" he finally speaks but it wasn't in a angry voice I mean I can tell that he is made in his voice but he was trying to keep carm umh weird him keeping carm is like someone having 6 toes it's a rear occasion you see one. I take a deep breath before I speak "walking, I got bored and couldn't handle Erudite any more I did wait an hour and 10 minutes" well I didn't directly answer his question did I. The radio then again goes quiet and I keep walking left foot then the right left foot right foot "annor-" I spot the sign saying what street I'm on "Dixon st" I speak over him now I know where I am im between Erudite and Abnegation but this part is supposed to be the most populated factionless spot where is everyone I twirled around like a ballerina placing my left foot in front and stopped in an instead as I spot something in the distance a glowing glimmer of light reflecting off of an object but it's not any object it looks like a snipper "dad" I spoke but it wasn't a clear word it had fear and shock in it. Then there was a BANG and another BANG, I drop to the ground dropping the pager as my body hits the cold rough ground. My breathing picks up as my lungs full with blood and the street fills with blood, my skin burns were the bullet had entered my body "Annora" Eric screams through the pager. My vision is going fuzzy, my eyes can barely stay open all I can here is dads voice screaming "Annora pick up your pager". Suddenly the world goes black and the life that was inside me was gone.


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