Chapter 7

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Arhaan POV
I don't know why why she is always behind me. Today also she was knocking and knocking on my door continuously and when I asked her why? She said its Fajr time like I will pray!!

Yesterday was one hell of a day how can she touch me and enter my room? And yet she had the guts to come to my room with pills. What does she wants to show to me that she's a perfect symbol for wife. Huh...!!!

And on top of that she was talking with my best friend as if she knows him since when. She even invited him. God...this was just too much. No matter how much she shows she can never be upto my standard.

I was just waiting for her to ask me about the maid service. And yes she asked!! I was so happy...and finally I told her place in my house and in my life. But you did saw how hurt she was. She did bring you pills before you can even ask for it. She even prepared food but you never ate!! Why my conscience is making me feel guilty. And why will I feel guilty I haven't done anything wrong. She should thank me that I haven't thrown her out of my house.

Why was I even thinking of her in the office. This girl will make me mad!! I quickly focused on my laptop which was full with e-mails.

"Sir..we have meeting in ten minutes with Mr.Zeus." Leena reminded me. I nodded at her. She went away.

Ahh..I forgot about this deal. This deal is very important. I quickly fixed myself. And went towards the conference room.
"Hello young are you??" Mr.Zeus greeted me with a handshake. He was in his early forty's. He's a man of his words and wisdom. I really like this man.

"I am fine Uncle..what about you?" I asked him giving him a hug. "Well I'm fine and young as you can see" he laughed. This made me laugh also.

"So these chats will happen lets get us straight to the point why we have met" he said seriously. I nodded at him.
"Listen I've studied your presentation and I know you desperately need this...but what I think is you are very much new to this company I know you have worked before but that was under your dad's vision this is the first time that you're working on your own will. And I am very much impressed by your work so far..but still this is not the right time. I'm sorry my time sure." He told very calmly.

Actually I understood his point but my ego didn't wanted to accept. "Yes Uncle I understand and I totally respect your decision may be some other time for sure" I assured him. With that he went away. And my anger was in full form now. Dad threatened me to marry that Girl and now Uncle think that I not experienced enough for this project. This project was nothing for me. I have handed many more projects.

I went to the pub and drank...but not like yesterday. I don't wanted to see her face early morning. After drinking I went to home. Ahh...She was the last person I wanted to see now. As soon as she saw me she quickly came to me and was about to take my laptop when I jerked her hand away.

"You please go and freshen up I'll quickly give you something to eat. You must be hungry na??" She asked. She was smiling. This made my blood boiled. Here I lost the deal and she was smiling. It was all because of her. She was a bad omen. I hate her.

"Listen you piece of shit don't try to act can never be sweet because you have a black heart who couldn't stand anyone's happiness... because of you I lost my deal. Why did you have to show me your filthy face first in the morning...uhh...why am I even talking to you..MAIDS are not meant to be talked to. You are a MAID and an Omen!!" I said pointing my finger at her and poking her. Anger was at its peak now.

"No..please no...why you say like hurts to listen to those harsh words. I was also not ready for this marriage but atleast I'm trying to also try." She was crying now.

This was the last thing that I wanted to hear..this made my anger rise more.
"You're a bad omen... If anyone see your face first in the morning then nothing good will happen like it happened with me." My eyes blazing with anger.

"It wasn't my fault... It was Allah's will.. Please don't say these words I am your wife!! " She was crying as she replied.

I roughly caught her hair and pinned her to the wall eyes blazing in anger.
"Never ever do you say that you're my wife.. Understand??" I spoke as I gripped her shoulders forcefully and I threw her on the floor.

"You filthy rag..never ever show your face until I tell you to don't deserve me" with that I walked away.

Mahira POV
I couldn't sleep at night his words were ringing in my ears as a ringtone. I woke up for fajr and went to wake him up. As usual he shouted and didn't even opened the door so I returned back in my room. I prayed and asked Allah's help in guiding me and giving me strength in performing my duties.

So what he told me that I'm his maid...I know,my family,his family, society, relative's plus I have Niqahnama with me. I know that I'm his wife and I'll do exactly what every wife do.

He went away again slamming his door shut. Why he is so angry with me?? What is my fault?? My fault is this only that I'm married to him?? These thoughts made me more sad.

I went on doing all house chores. By the end of evening I was totally exhausted. Masha Allah it's a big house. Tomorrow I'll go for swimming I thought. But I actually felt happy while doing all these things.

I quickly got freshen up and changed into a clean pair of jeans with a long white top and a long shrug. I secured the pin safely to my scarf. And I waited.

Around ten he came. I can say he was again drunk. But thank God he was not drunk like yesterday. I quickly went to him to take laptop from his hand but he jerked away my hand. It was expected.

"You please go and freshen up I'll quickly give you something to eat. You must be hungry na??" I asked smiling.

"Listen you piece of shit don't try to act can never be sweet because you have a black heart who couldn't stand anyone's happiness because of you I lost my deal. Why did you have to show me your filthy face first in the morning...uhh...why am I even talking to you..MAIDS are not to be talked to. You are a MAID and an Omen!!" He said pointing his finger at me and poking me.

"No..please no...why you say like hurts to listen to those harsh words. I was also not ready for this marriage but atleast I'm trying to also try." I was crying now.

This was the last thing that I wanted to hear from him "You're a bad omen... If anyone see your face first in the morning then nothing good will happen like it happened with me." His eyes blazing with anger.

"It wasn't my fault... It was Allah's will.. Please don't say these words I am your wife!! " I was crying as I replied.

He roughly caught my hair and pinned me to the wall eyes blazing in anger.
"Never ever do you say that you're my wife.. Understand??" He spoke as he gripped my shoulders forcefully and he threw me on the floor.

"You filthy rag..never ever show your face until I tell you to don't deserve me" with that he walked away.

Why why why Allah??? Why me??? What wrong have I done to deserve this???

His Wife Or His Maid???#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now