Doctor & Nurse

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A minute passed by yet it felt like eternity had just gone, my skin was prickling from the intensity of Leonardo’s glare. What had I done wrong? Why wasn’t he saying a word? The only sound was the clock ticking away, almost mocking the situation I was in.

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

Merrily sings the clock.

It’s time for work.

It’s time for play.

So it sings.

Throughout the day.

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

Merrily sings the clock.

My childhood came flooding back to me, I wanted to stay in that position where I wasn’t that aware of the danger I was in, the less you know then the better. Time was ticking away, soon a gun was going to be pointed at my head. Soon I will be dead. I quickly shook my head as I felt my eyes sting, begging for me to release but I didn’t want to break down in front of Leonardo. I also didn’t want to be the first one to speak up so I just started playing with my bruised fingers. Which probably wasn't a very good idea as I winced out loud in utter pain.

“Are you alright?” He finally asked getting up from his chair. I quickly blinked away my tears as I tried to plaster on a fake smile but judging by Leonardo’s frown, he could see the truth.

“Uh…what do you want me to say? That I’m fine? I’m dandy? Because I’m not. Not really. But I will get over it, like I always do and this-" I quickly shut up because I knew I was rambling on. I took a deep breath and exhaled all the bad fumes.

“Cry.” Leonardo muttered handing me a tissue box.

“What?” I burst out in confusion; he still had that cold expression on his face.

“I said…cry…you can let it all out.” His tone was still icy.

“What the fuck is up with you? Why are you so mad at me? Did I ask to be fucking attacked, did I?" I shouted, looking up at him with anger boiling in my eyes. I was just so fucking mad at everything. Me, for not defending myself, and them, for winning.

“I’M MAD BECAUSE I FAILED!” He roared. My voice got caught in my throat as I stared at him in disbelief. This was the first time ever that I had seen him yell like that. He lost control of himself once before, but nothing on this scale.

“Failed what?” I asked quietly averting my gaze; I did not want to meet his piercing stare. My body wouldn’t be able to take it.

“Just…look…I’m not going to let anyone lay a single finger on you, I promise…they’re going to have to go through me before you, when I find those bastards that hurt you, I’m going to make their lives a… living… hell,” he gritted through his teeth as he looked the other way, his fists were clenched onto his jeans, probably trying his best not to punch the wall again.


“I’m going to teach you how to fight…properly,” he cut me off, the bed dipped to my side as Leonardo sat next to me with a much more softer look in his eye. How on earth was I going to tell him that his so called friend ordered this attack on me? I was seriously going to mess that bitch up, she’s playing the wrong game with the wrong player.

“Fine” I sighed as I nodded weakly. Before I could even blink, I felt Leonard’s mouth come crashing upon mine with a sudden urgency. I let him in as his tongue swiped my bottom lip, setting off something between us because the kiss was turning needier by the second. I felt Leonardo’s emotions in the kiss and he was bringing me back to life in so many ways. His anger was rolling off in waves as he greedily toyed with my tongue, bruising my lips along the way. I let out a squeal as he picked me up and placed me on him without breaking contact, my hands rested on his rock solid chest. The feel of his manliness between my fingers made my heart splutter in joy. His mouth moved from my mouth to my neck, leaving a trail of hot kisses, as his tongue delicately swiped the bruises on my neck, slowly moving to the neckline of my shirt.

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