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I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Millions of thoughts ran through my head, but they were more or less study thoughts since I just finished my homework. Why does Math exist? Why is it that when a x b=ab? Why did Pythagoras have to make his damn theorem about freaking triangles??? Why do I have to find angle x???

"Dear triangles of all sizes, stop asking me to find your x!!! She left you for a good reason you know!!!" (get the pun?)I said sarcastically into the air.

Suddenly, something hard hit my window from outside. I jumped and turned to look at my window. What the heck? Cautiously, i walked towards my window, opened it and whispered, " Who's there?"

"It's me, kid." a masculine voice replied. "I'm on your roof."

I put a foot out of my window and placed it on the ledge. Then I turned my body and took a hold of the water pipe. Next, I put a foot onto the leverage and hoisted myself up. Under the moonlight sat a boy that was my age. He wore huge spectacles that framed his sparkly blue eyes. His tar black hair was messy and it fell into his eyes.

"What's up Jeff? Did you have to stop me from criticizing math again???" I walked towards him and plomped down right beside him.

"You have to give the poor math guy a break." He said, his melodious voice flowing velvetly like chocolate.

"But how am i supposed to give him a break if he doesn't give me a break in the first place?" I whined

"Well..." he couldn't think of any other comebacks.

"Ha! See? Even you can't defend him or it anymore." A victorious grin spreaded across my face.

"Alright. Alright. This time, you win." He laughed in defeat.

Jeff was and still is my neighbour. He is the geeky and hot type of kid that i still have no idea how an ugly, nerdy-looking, troll-like girl like me could get a neighbour like him. Both of us grew up together, so i treat him like a brother. Jeff is the only guy i've ever been friends with for more than a day without him forgetting who i am. And he is the only guy whom i can trust and tell all my secrets to. I mean, we've had lots of debates on silly stuff and that is what friends are for right? To be honest, he is my best friend and wendy is my good friend. He is studying in the same school but i hardly see him at all, due to the different classes and stuff. Even if i do see him at school, he is constantly surrounded by those pretty and slim girls. So, i feel as if i am in no place to even acknowledge him in school. And our secret place, is of course, my roof. But the weird thing is, he prefers my roof more than his even though his roof is gentler and not as steep.

"I saw you today." Jeff said, his voice soft but serious.

"Kid, you see me everyday." I said with a hint of sass.

"I saw Corella's family limousine slow down beside you when you were walking. When the car sped away, i saw you crying."

I kept silent, refusing to speak before another river of tears flowed out my eyes...

"Why don't you stop them? Why can't you be yourself in school like how you are now?" He urged me to say something.

I opened my mouth and said, trying to keep my voice steady,"They hate me... They just do. Even if i be myself, nothing will change!" Then came the river of tears that i was trying to hold back. "It's just not fair... I wish I was liked by someone. I wish i was as pretty as Corella. I wish it was easier to walk up to Tibbar and confess my love to him and that he will like me back. I just wish... that i wasn't me..." I sobbed. Suddenly, i felt arms circle around me, pulling me closer to whoever the arms belong to. Of course, it was Jeff.

"Regit, you don't need to be like Corella, whether is it by looks or the easiness to confess and be loved back. I know how it feels like to not be able to confess to the person you like. I-"

"You wouldn't know. Everyone loves you. You're the boy that every girl wishes for. How would you know how it feels like to be rejected if you confess your love??? If you walk up to her and confess, she won't even need to think about it before she says yes." I cried into his shirt, my palms clenched into fists. "You are on the same level as Tibbar on a scale of perfectness. You are as smart as him and as perfect. I'm not even on a level to have you as a friend!!!"

Suddenly, everything was silent except my occasional sniffs and my shaky breathing. Jay stroked my hair and started to sing me a song, the song that would only calm me down and only he knows the song because he was the composer of it. Though it didn't rhyme, his voice made it sound so beautiful.

"Sweet sweet girl, just calm down.
You're smart and you're brave, but you're blind to it now.
You of all of them knows me well.
You know that i will be there.
Let your heart cry out for my presence.
And i will be there."

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