The Gods He's Gorgeous.

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Eric's pov

I've been dreading this very moment. It's 7:35 and I'm supposed to be at school at 8. I have no idea how it's going to be. I guess a new school can't be so bad? Wrong. Everything about it is bad. Teachers. Students. Bullies. And, Boys.

If I say something wrong, they'll know immediately. That I'm gay. It's a scary feeling to know that you are different than everyone. Most boys are attracted to girls. I'm not gonna lie, I think girls are pretty. But I'm just not sexually attracted to them.

Now, here I am, in my closet, not knowing what to wear. I have to make a good first impression and not look gay. So, I wear my grey sweats, black tank top, and my black Vans.

"Good enough." I mumble to myself. I still looked like a stick but it's the best I've really ever looked. I know that Tyler and Anna already go to my new school because we met outside of classes so I have friends to guide me around. This is gonna be interesting.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grab a glass and get some water. I chug it down in seconds and walk to my longboard. I pick it up and go outside where I hop on it and ride to school.

After about 10 minutes, I'm at the school gates and see Tyler and Anna. I wave a them and they wave back. Anna and Tyler both attack me with tight and loving hugs.

"We missed you Eric!!" Ty and Anna said together. I smiled.

"I missed you guys too." I say and let go.

We walk in our first class which was physics. The teacher looked and dressed cool but was a total bitch about Anna not having her homework.

Most of the day we just hung out and played around.

I hear some girls talking and laughing and I look up.

"Hey Eric. So I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with us after school today." One of them said. I think her name is Milly.

"Leave him alone. He's new." A guy said. I look over to him and absolutely just wanna eat him. He's Gorgeous!! Tall, Skinny, and muscular. His dirty blonde hair in a sorta quiff. His green eyes piercing my soul as he stared at me. I kinda look down and blush.

Milly just scoffs, flips her hair and leaves with her friends.

"Sorry about her. She's not really nice when she doesn't get her way. I'm Joey by the way." He said smiling and extended his hand for me to shake it. It was kinda dirty.

"Oh sorry about that. Football practice. It sometimes sucks ass." He said. Oh just suck MY ass!

"Cool. I'm Eric." I say looking at him

He smiled. And winks at me. AND WINKS AT ME?! I'm going to pass out!

That causes me to blush and Anna to squel and giggle. Both Joey and I look over to her and I give her a look as to say 'Shut up before I break my leg on your ass!' This makes her quiet up. She looks down.

I look over to Joey and he winked at me again before turning and leaving.

This has got to be one of the best days of me life.


School was over quickly and Anna, Tyler and I said our goodbyes and we took off on separate ways.

As I'm about to hop on my longboard, I hear someone calling my name. I look over and it's the god, Joey Scherer.

I smile at him lightly as he's running towards me. He's really fast. Like REALLY REALLY fast. Like super dupper fast. Okay, I think you get the gist, I'll be quiet now.

He reaches me and smiles at me.

"Hi Eric. Aren't you hungry? You didn't eat lunch or breakfast. Not that I'm stalking you. Who said anything about stalking? Am I acting suspicious? You're acting suspicious!" He's so awkward. Yet I still love it.

And there's that question I really hate. 'Aren't you hungry?'

"No. Now mind your own goddamn business." I snapped at him. He looks hurt for a second but covered it with a furious look that really scared me.

"Fine. It's not like I cared anyway." He snapped and walked right pass me.

This has got to be one of the worst days of my life.


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