Chapter One.

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***Hazel's POV***

I bit my lip as I looked in the mirror again at my reflection, my best friend was behind me pacing back and forth as she impatiently waited for me to finish getting ready.

"I don't know why you are even taking me, you know i'm not exactly that into one direction." I said as I pinned the final bobby pin into my hair.

"I'm taking you because you are my best friend, idiot." She laughed and looked at me. I rolled my eyes and laughed as i began taking all the hair pins out making Keira groan again. "Hazel can you hurry up! I want to at least get a glance at them." She huffed and folded her arms. I laughed at her and ruffled my hair before placing the pins on a bench and smiling at her.

"Ready?" I asked teasingly and laughed as i walked out of my room, my taller best friend following behind me.

"Oh shut it." She laughed and playfully slapped my arm. I told my mum about how we were going to a meet and greet for One Direction, not even she could believe that Keira actually made me go. I was quite shocked myself, I never really did like those boys. I was positive that they would all be stuck up, rude, obnoxious. Just your typical group of pop stars really. After a car ride filled with awful singing and a bunch of laughing we finally pulled up to the shopping center.

"Woah." Our syncronised voices gasped. The line up of girls was enormous, I had never seen so many people in this shabby old little center in my life! As we parked I shot Keira a look and arched my eyebrow.

"Will we even get a glance?" I asked quietly and bit my lip as we lined up at the end of the line. She sighed and shrugged.

"I don't even know man." She said quietly, I understand why she was so bummed out about it all, she loved them! Especially Louis. She always fancied him. In all honesty I always found the blonde one quite cute but I don't really... How Keira would put it, 'fangirl' over them.

* * *

After a good two hours and thirty seven minutes we finally became in vision of those five boys sitting up at a table. I could see them quite well and I was positive by Keira's quiet squeals that she heard them too. As the line slowly began shortening I instantly noticed a boy that was sitting closest to us, his head was down, curls drapping over his eyes as he would sign his signature. He seemed different in my opinon. I thought in meet and greets the boys were meant to talk to you? Make some sign of gratitude or something, but instead his head just remained bowed as his hand moved in the continuous, repetitive pattern of his signature. I finally got shoved up in-front of the table and looked down at them all.

"Hi." I said normally and smiled. A boy besides the curly haired lad smiled and waved.

"Hi babe, what's your name?" He said as he grabbed a cd off him and signed it. I kept my eyes on curly and frowned.

"Hazel, what's yours?" I asked softly and looked back at him. I heard a scoff come beside me as a red headed girl eyed me off almost like I had ruined her day.

"How do you not know who Liam Payne is? Do you live under a bloody rock or something?" She spat rudely as she took the CD off the blonde boy at the end. I looked from her and then back to Liam who was frowning as he passed my CD on.

"Sorry." I said quietly as i apologized to him, keeping my head low as I walked to the end and waited for Keira. I leant against the wall and continued chewing my gum as i looked around at all the girls. Finally Keira returned and I smiled at how excited she was. Of course she continued talking about the afternoon for the whole time as we walked to the food court. She was completely obsessed. I laughed at the thought and shook my head as I grabbed my smoothie and turned around, a strong body bumping into mine and spilling my smoothie over the two of us. I gasped and looked up noticing the curly boy from before.

"I'm so sorry." I said quickly and swallowed hard as I noticed the new stains on his shirt. He huffed quietly and shook his head before looking down at me.

"Just be more carefuly okay?" He snapped quietly before walking off. I stared at him in shock and wondered if that really was who everyone spoke about.

"Who is he?" I asked Keira as she grabbed her own drink and frowned in confusion, I knew she obviously hadn't seen or heard what just happened. "That curly lad from the band." I said in annoyance.

"Oh, he's Harry, Harry Styles." Ugh. I already hated a boy that I didn't even know.

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