Chapter 1

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April's P.O.V.

I'm walking down the isle. I can see Matthew and I know something's wrong. The closer I get to him the clearer it became. I could see the bruises on his face and his black eye. When I reach the top I can see Jackson and Alex with bruises on their hands. Matthew looked scared and Alex and Jackson  looked okay.

The ceremony was going perfect, exactly as I had planned until we started the vows. I do mine first and it goes perfectly like everything else. Then it's Matthew's turn. The priest and everyone else including me are waiting for him to say I Do.

"Ehmm," he says before glancing at Alex and Jackson and whispering.

" April, can we talk alone please." 

" Now?" I ask.

" Yeah."

We walk outside the church and Matthew confesses to me....he confesses to me that he's been cheating on me.....for six  months.  I wake up sobbing and Matt wakes up and holds me. I push him off me, get changed and head over to Shane's apartment.

Matthew's P.O.V.

I wake up to April sobbing...again. I turn over and hold her and that usually calms her down but this time she pushes me away immediately and quickly gets dressed. She walks out of the bedroom through the sitting room and then I hear the front door slam.

It's happening, I always knew that it would but not a week before our wedding. I keep thinking April's to polite and too much of a lady to leave leave for him. Maybe in a year or two when she was sure but not a week before we get married, not after her parents spent thousands of dollars on everything, not after she got her dress.

I keep trying to ring her but her phone keeps going straight to voicemail.

Ross's P.O.V.

I wake up to someone manic banging down my door and shouting my name. When I walk into my sitting room, I make out that it's April.

"Hold on," I shout through the door in case she can't hear me over her own voice. I open the door and April walks straight past me and over to my fridge. "What happened?" I ask.

"I dreamt of my wedding," she replied."And....he was cheating on me."

"And you believe it."


"So.." I say trying to understand what's wrong..

"He would. If he'd had that dream he would believe that I was cheating on him."

"No he wouldn't. We don't do that."



April's P.O.V.

I'm so glad I came over here. Shane always knows what to say about this crap. He's like my best friend now. Ever since The Storm, Jackson and I haven't  got on the same since. Shane found me crying. I was upset and I told him everything. The next day I couldn't believe that I told him. I found him and started to apologise for crying the day before. He interrupted and said he wouldn't tell anybody. Ever since he's been a great friend to me. He helped me study for boards which I passed with flying colours and I did the same for him when it came to his intern exam which he aced. Him and Matt get on great, Shane is going to be a groomsman at our wedding, which I was delighted with.

My phone rings again, it's Matt again, I don't answer, again. Instead I send him a voice message telling him I'm sorry and I'm okay and I'll see him later. I just can't talk to him now in case I say something about Jackson. Just as I hand Shane a cup of coffee my pager goes off, so does Shanes.

"You okay to work?" he asks sounding concerned.

"Yeah it'll take my mind off the dream." I reply.

"Okay, but I think I should drive. Just encase."

"Yeah, Maybe that's for the best," I smile back at him.

We both head to the hospital and are met by Jackson, Eoin, Callie, Arizona and Derek. When I see Jackson straight away I check his wrists for bruises and there's none. I really  I hope there won't ever be, or at least not until after the wedding.  

"What's the emergency?" Shane asks.

"Shooting," I reply. I can tell by Jackson's face. It's the same face he made the day after the shooting and the same he makes when any patient has a gunshot wound. It's really hell for him.

"But Robbins is here," Shane points out and then I really start to worry.

"Two schools, elementary and a high school." Jackson replies angrily. He's even worse than I expected.

No one replies instead we all comfort each other with silence, not awkward just nice, peaceful silence.

Jackson's P.O.V.

"Shooting," April says to Ross.

"Two schools, elementary and a high school," I add furiously.

I can't believe it another shooting. They just get to me and I get so mad. This time it's worse, obviously because their only kids, but also because I've been in a bad mood all week because of April, because she's getting married to that jerk. I know I don't have the right to be mad. I turned her down, I told her to go be with Matthew, I told her I didn't love her. I  don't know  what I was thinking. At least Matthew seems like a decent guy. He's been working two jobs for the last six months to pay for the wedding.

"Jackson?" April calls.

"Yeah." I answer. 

"Callie's  talking to you."

"Oh.. sorry."

Just as I finished three ambulances coming flying around the corner one after another. Two of us go to each ambulance. Derek and I go to an ambulance, the doors fly wide open and the paramedic pushes a teenager out on a gurney and  says ..

"Eighteen year old Hannah Klein. Two gunshot wounds to the legs and one to the abdomen. Has suffered from leukaemia. Status is stable."

"Oh God," Derek says.

"I know it's terrible," I reply.

"No it's not that. I mean yeah it's terrible but.. but this is Izzie's kid."

Meant to Be (Grey's Anatomy, Japril Fan-fiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now