Chapter 3: Is this a dream

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Y/N Pov:
"Umm... OH MY IRENE IS THAT EVEN A QUESTION!?!?! YES!!!" I Said with total excitement "Okay When Can you start?" Said Adam "Why not now" I said "okay cmon I think you'll like the guys especially max you guys have some similarities" said Adam, "How are we similar?" I asked "we'll both of you have a short fuse and will get mad fast" said Adam, "well at least I don't mess up my sentences Salty lake ocean"
I said starting to get mad and laughing at the Same time "CAN WE JUST GET OVER THAT PLEASE ITS BEEN GOING ON TOO LONG NOW" Screamed Adam like a five year old
Time skip to the offices
Y/N Pov:
Me and Adam got to the offices and walked up the stairs and inside I hid behind Adam so barely anyone could see me we walked to where they play challenges and Adam called everyone over "GUYS COME HERE" yelled Adam, just then everyone walked out of their office and came to Adam and I,
"What do you want Adam" everyone said in unison "I want you guys to meet our new recruit Y/N" said Adam, "wait Y/N as in PeaceAndRainbowsJK123 Y/N?" One person said walking up to me he had ginger hair and a Z necklace I decided to speak "the one and only" I said, two seconds The ginger started fangirling hard "Max Calm down geese"
Adam said to he ginger "hi I'm Y/N or PeaceAndRainbowsJK123 and you are max I suppose" I said "Y.yeah I'm max it's awesome to meet you, your videos are so relatable" he stuttered and blushed which made me blush "OOOH DOES MAX HAVE A CRUSH?!?" Max's slight smile turn to a frown and angry face "Adam don't u dare" he said angrily "Mad Max calm down" said Adam jokingly "Three,Two.." He started counting "Max Please I don't want anyone getting hurt" I said as i calmed him down and than a pat on a back turn into a big hug Which I didn't mind "thanks Y/N you saved my butt I owe you one" Adam said "Np I hate seeing people hurt even though I have a short temper"
Time skip till after que
Y/N Pov:
After the que was done I asked max if he wanted to get to know each other better and he surprisingly said yes and so after he was done editing a walked into my office "Oh hey max" I said "H.hey Y/N" max stuttered and stared intensely at my peace rug "Mam your staring pretty intesely at that rug huh?" He looked at me and laughed. "Heh yeah well anyways I'm gonna start well my name is max and I have watched our channel for 4 years now and I think it's so relatable" he started "okay my Turn now I'm Y/N and I have watched your channel for 4 years and I think that we have the same personality" I said "r.really you watch my channel?!?"
He stuttered "yeah who doesn't" I said "Well I'm glad you like my content heh"
Max's Pov:
Man I really lik.. Ugh max stop thinking like that you barely know her...
Y/N Pov:
I really like him and I'm not gonna question myself even though he might but for such an awesome dude like he he would have a girlfriend or he doesn't like me but I might have a way to find out "hey max" I said "yeah" he said in a sad and confused "how hard was this to do when you and your girlfriend talked like this one on one" I asked "I don't and will never have a girlfriend but I like someone and I don't know if she likes me back" he says "well ask her than" man I hope it's me he likes cause if it is me I know what to do "Earth to Y/N" max said "oh sorry I zoned out for a minute what did you say before" I asked "IREALLYLIKEYOUANDIDONTKNOWIFYOULIKEMEBACKORNOTY/N!" He said with a sad voice "Max speak slower please so I can understand you"
"I said I really like you and I don't know if you like me back or not" max said "well if you want my honest awnser I think your adorable and I rlly like you too." I booped his nose and he blushed and picked me up and put me on his shoulder and ran out of my office and around the office building "LET ME DOWN MAX" "NEVER" "Pwease" I said In a kawaii voice, he put me down onto the couch and sat next to me "so y/n Do you want to be.." I cut him off with a kiss on the cheek "does that answer your question" he nodded and picked me up and scream "LATER LOSERS IM TAKING Y/N ON A DATE!" He ran past everyone with me on his shoulders as we walked past they said "I ship it" and we laughed
Time skip to y/n's house

Y/N Pov:
When we got to my house I put in the good dinosaur and I passed out on max.

Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed that long chapter!!!
(Your so lucky max is your boyfriend!!)
-Kara (Karebear)

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