Chapter Six: Revenge Pt: 2

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Max's POV:
The note said if you love her you know where to go. I think I know what to do.
I get into my car and drive to my parents house and bolt for the barn (idk that's all I could think of srry) and there I see Tristin with a gun and a limp Y/N on the ground. "Max fancy seeing you here" Tristin says "Give me Y/N and we will have no troubles" I say getting mad " sorry sir it's not that easy" He says and puts a gun to mine and than Y/N's head "one step closer and I'll shoot" he threatens. I step back and I pretend to walk out and than when he says "well he's gone now" I call the police and Adam. After that I bolt into the barn and tackle Tristin and two seconds later the police arrive with an ambulance and arrest Tristin and take Y/N to the hospital. After the police and the ambulance left me and Y/N's mom and Alesa with mason get into one car and drive to the hospital. I decide to call Y/N's best friend and tell her what happened
(M-Max  b-BF/N)
M-hi is this BF/N
B-yes may I ask who this is
M- yes this is max or Mithzan Y/N's boyfriend
B- are you guys okay you sound worried
M- I'll tell you what happened when you get to H/N (Hospital name) it's urgent
B- okay fotunately I live 5 mins from that hospital I'll be in the waiting room
M-okay thanks bye
-End of convo-
I look over to see Alesa crying and Y/N's mom crying aswell I tear up a lil but I need to stay strong for Y/N. I focus on the road and we get there and I see BF/N sitting in the waiting room with a really confused face I walk over to her and tell her what happened "and she was limp and that's why we're here now" I say to finish the story she starts to cry I hug her and tell her it's okay "thanks max your like a brother to me" she says and walks over to Alesa and Y/N's mom and she hugs Alesa tight and let's go and plays with mason while Alesa checks in
Alesa's Pov:
I checked us in and asked the nurse "what room is Y/N L/N in" "room 209 Mam" she says "thanks so much" I say and wave everyone to come with me we find the room and the nurse said only two can go in at a time so we decided to go in pairs Me max and Mason and the second group is gonna be my mom and Adam when he gets here
Y/N Pov:
I wake up to see Alesa and max in the doorway  I manage to say "Alesa?" "max?" They turn around and see me awake they look surprised and call a nurse. They examine me and say I can get out in two days but with crutches.


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this short chapter!!!
-Kara (Karebear)

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