Strange Familer Wall Fixture

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In this'd dream which I had last night I meet biblical figures. Weird.

I was in a shop of sorts, there were bottles on shelves lining the walls and other witchiy looking things. What was weirdest was four women stand in the middle of the room staring at me. They all had black hair and wore black cloths but all of them were slightly different. ,"Name us and you will live", they said in unison. So without fear of any kind I walk up to the first of the four, she had bangs that hung over her forehead, and a glare that could kill a small animal,"Conquest", I said referring to her, she nodded once telling me I was right. The next women was slightly shorter than the first, she had sunken cheaks, and wild eyes," Famine", I said, she also nodded. The third woman was the same height as Conquest she didn't have bangs instead her hair fell over her back like a cape, I don't know how I could tell who she was but I named her,"War", she stood up straighter (I was right) the last women was undoubtedly the most beuatiful of the four. Her hair fell over her shoulders in black curls, her eyes twikled in the dim light of the room I knew who she was in an instant,"Death", I said, and she smiled slightly.

This is where my dream changed.

I skipped over to my brother who was working on something. " I did it!" I told him ," I named the horsemen!"," good", was all my brother said before he went baxk to his work. My attention was pulled away to a wall fixture that I knew I had seen in a dream before it looked like a shelfwith a photo behind it. On the shelf part there looked to be a set up of a forest and in the photo there were more trees making it look like the forest went on forever.


Now do u get what dream walker means? I get info from my dreams and messages that I have to decode. Oh and sorry if this dream scared any of u. Please know that it was just a dream I'm not worried about the first part, what am still thinking about is the wall fixture. I've seen it before.

See ya next dream bye!

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