(Hi people! Dream walker here, sorry for not updating sooner but stuff happens! Any way this is something for people that like scary things just fyi)
(First time I met her)
I woke up to my alarm clock the seeping was not the only thing that woke me.
When a person is on the brink of sleep or in sleep they can speak to ghosts fun!
I looked up and saw the golden outline of a girl, whom I have come to call The Girl so original, holding knitting tools in one hand and try repeatedly to turn off the alarm with the other. I reached over gland turned the alarm for her I'm pretty sure that I said," there you go", and momentarily fell back in sleep then I woke up fully and suddenly and thought did I just?...
I did.(Second time we met)
I looked up from where I lay on my bed and saw her standing there staring at me. Then she turned opened my door and started walking down the hall way towards my parents room I got up and followed her.( Btw She looks the same in this dream). She and I walked into parents room both of them sleeping soundly The Girl stood there for two hours staring at my parents and I stood there staring at her.
I woke.(The third time we met)
Once again I'm sleeping in bed and I wake up to see The Girl staring at me this time she looked different instead of gold she omitted a black light, her hair was black, her night gown was black, her skin was gray. Also she seemed to oze black. Ew
I woke.
Dream One Shots
RandomHello everyone! This is going to be a diary of sorts, I am what's called a dream walker. Dream walkers are people who have dreams for their sixth sense, I'm able to see the future, past and preseant using dreams, I can also manipulate my dreams to...