My Tears Only Fall For You...

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I looked down at my slit wrists. These cuts are fresh, they always are. If your'e wondering, i'm currently in the girls restroom with mascara running down my cheek delicately. 




He did this to me, physically and emotionally, he scarred me for life. The way he treats me, it's like i'm invisible, yet he knows how to hurt me perfectly.

The sad thing is...I like him. Yeah, you heard me I like him, even more I love him. I know, the one who bullies me.  You see, me and Cam were very close from Kindergarten to 9th grade. We were like insuperable, and nobody got in between our friendship. 

That is until 10th grade Cameron eff-ing Dallas became popular, he left me alone with no one to hold (HSM Omg). Since then, he has been bullying me for popularity. I mean who does that? 

Oh wait... Cameron eff-ing Dallas.

Now back to why I'm in this moldy girls bathroom stall with tears racing down my cheek, and me tracing my cuts.

Flashback to 30 minutes ago

"You're so ugly, nobody with a brain would ever want to date you, next time you bump into me in the hallway because you ugly face was down, you will regret it, I swear." Cameron said, his words were harsh.

And so was the palm of his hand against my face. I winced in pain at the stinging feeling on my face. How could I possibly like this monster?

"Stop Cameron, I know your'e not like this, you were my bestfriend and you just turned on me. For absolutely no reason. Everybody hates me because of you, I only have on friend you sick bastard, have fun going to hell." I was going to pay for saying that.

"Who do you think your'e talking to?" he says kicking me to the ground.

Over and over again, he kicks my stomach, before it had gone to far I ran to the restroom.

End of Flashback

So yeah that's how I ended up here alone. 

With no one to hold, and he was always right beside me.


I know this chapter sucks balls, but it will get better, I promise.

And High School Musical is definatley going to be in this story!

Okay, love you all and wait for the next chapter!



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