fifteen ; the runaways

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At the top of the hill, she messaged Hermione on the Communication Mirror.

"We're in the Forest of Dean," she said. "We've got the locket!"

She didn't hesitate. She had heard of the Forest of Dean, tucked away and secluded from London. She Apparated, her spirits high, to a forest covered in thick snow with thick branches.

The sun filing through the maze of branches above glinted against the snow, blinding her momentarily. A figure stepped from behind one of the trees.

"It's only me," said Harry Potter, putting his hands up. She had already raised her wand, but she dropped it and smiled.

"What did you find?" he asked her when they hugged.

"Bathilda Bagshot," she said, her mind light with happiness at seeing one of her best friends. She had only been gone for two days, but for her, that was too long. "In Godric's Hollow."

They began walking, stepping over sticks and fallen branches that rested atop the snow.

"No kidding," he said, "that's where were going next. Godric's Hollow, I mean."

"Your parents are buried there," she said quietly. "Are you going to want to see them?"

He nodded solemnly. He slowed, as though they were close, but she saw nothing.

"Hermione set up a ton of enchantments," he explained. All of a sudden, the barrier dropped, and she saw an enchanted tent in the middle of a good clearing. She could hear a river in the distance, but her eyes settled on Hermione, who had her wand raised because she momentarily lifted it so they could enter.

She quickly put it back up and they were hidden from onlookers.

"How was it?" she yelled excitedly, and hugged her tightly. "Did you find anything out?"

Diana explained what about Ambrosius and what he had said once Ron came out of the tent. As she told them, she noticed Ron's bitter expression and he stared at the forest floor. The locket swayed around his neck, and she was momentarily entranced until Hermione began to speak.

"Look, we found this on Unbridge's door," she said lightly. From her own Enchanted bag, she pulled a small pouch from inside and opened the drawstring. A small white ball fell into her palm, and Diana's throat tightened.

She took it from Hermione and held it gently. It whizzed even in her hand, but finally the blue iris settled on Diana's face.

"They had Alastor's eye?" she breathed. She watched as it twitched left and right with paranoia, scanning for danger around them.

Ron, Hermione, and Harry went on to tell her about what had happened at the Ministry. Each jumped in periodically, starting with Hermione explaining their disguises.

"My wife was hysterical," said Ron, who seemed to have slightly forgotten whatever bitterness he was feeling before. "I just hope she got out of there."

Harry explained how he had broken into Umbridge's office and found the Eye. He explained with a laugh how he had used The Weasley's Wizard Wheezes' devices to cause a distraction.

"Who knew Fred and George could have ever been useful?" he said with a laugh.

Hermione told her about the court room and how their true identities were revealed, and they managed to secure the locket, fight off an entire legion of Dementors, and successfully aid an entire hoard of terrified Muggle-borns.

"That sounds so much more eventful than my trip," said Diana with a small laugh.

"Oh, come on," said Hermione. "Nothing happened?"

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