Butterflies for Star

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(A/N this is my third story that I've attempted so please give me constructive criticism in the comments. Could you also vote, share and comment. The first 10 people to vote will get virtual cookies and hugs!!!)


The small orange chairs and white tiled floor restore my faith in the fact that all hospitals look the same. I was just about to share this observation with my white faced panicked mom when Doctor Stein ,head of oncology at Rhodes hospital, opens her office door and calls us in. A small wave of panic washes over me that tiny little thought I'd managed to keep at bay for the past few weeks was taking over. The only thing comforting about the situation was that in only half an hour I would know, either way at least there wouldn't be this horrible feeling of uncertainty hanging over everyone's heads.

Dr Steins office wasn't what I initially expected it to be her brown wooden desk sat in front of a large bookcase that ran along the wall. The case wasn't limited to books a globe and framed medical certificates that showed her credentials gave off an air of confidence and intellect. There was no denying that Dr Stein was the best of the best that's why I'm here. What started out as a recurring cold and a few odd bruises had caught the attention of my phys ed teacher who at my parent teacher conference had suggested I get checked out. My local doctor referred me to the Rhodes hospital paediatrics who ran some tests they then proceeded to send me to an oncologist (cancer doctor) who made me do a bone marrow biopsy. The results of this procedure was to be discussed at today's meeting. As I sit down in the blue and green striped chair facing Dr Steins desk I look at my mom and smile. She just looks am me terrified I know what she's thinking she wants to know if this is it, if I have cancer and die I think part of her would die with me. No one wants their 13 year old to die of cancer it's every parents worst nightmare.

Dr Stein looks up from my charts and opens her mouth to speak.

"After looking at the test results it appears that Natalie has ALL leukaemia. I'm so sorry."

As she drops this bombshell price of news she slides a box of Kleenex across her desk towards my mom whose openly weeping. I feel trapped I never thought. Allowed myself to think that it could be cancer. I kept telling myself that everything was fine the doctors were just being cautious. But now I know. Maybe she got it wrong they had to have got it wrong. I can't have cancer I'm 13 for crying out loud no history of other illness until last year I was the picture of health. Before I can stop myself I croak.

"Am I going to die?"

The question silences my mom and Dr Stein looks at me as if choosing her words carefully. she begins to say something and stops herself twice. I sit on the edge of my seat my fingers digging into the fabric of the chair. Willing her to say no telling god that I would be good and do anything as long as I'm not going to die. I'm not delusional I know that everyone dies, one day you and I will both be gone. But I'm too young to die. Dr Stein looks down and even before she opens her mouth I know the answer.


she whispers she then goes on about treatment zapping and shrinking, tumours and long complicated medical words that go way over my head. The only thing I now want to know is obvious I want to ask how long I have left. But I'm hyper aware of my moms now silent hysterical sobs and Dr Steins medical mumbo jumbo. Now doesn't feel right asking would put a timespan on my life and I don't want to think about the end of my life I glance at mom and see that she's stopped crying she's just looking down silent motionless. Dr stein then asks me if we have any questions.

Raising her head my mom looks Dr Stein in the eye and asks what I wanted to ask all along she raised her head and with steady controlled breathing asked the ultimate question.

" How long does Natalie have to live?"

" Its hard to tell the cancer has progressed she could have a year or more. Worst case scenario she only has six months best case six to seven years."

I stop listening and realised I am a time bomb waiting to go off. An unexplored grenade everyone standing waiting for it to explode they can delay it happening but they can't stop it nothing can.

Dr Stein suddenly stands so does my mom I realised I must have zoned out for the last part of the meeting Dr Stein shakes my moms hand and then says how she

"Can't wait to see us again"

For the first time I realise how young she is. Her small frame and long brown hair made her look about 30. She was average borderline pretty with brown eyes and a straight nose her thin lips complimented her face. As I shake her hand I realise that she's the one who can get me those six or seven years no one else only her.

As we exited the hospital my mom looked over at me and began to cry not knowing what to say or do I hugged her. She held on tight not allowing me to go as if the tightness of her grip could stop time and preserve the moment.

(A/N I am aware that my main character is called star and her reasons for changing her name are revealed in the next few chapters. I hope you enjoyed the prologue. Don't forget to comment, vote and share. When I get 10 reads I'll put out the next chapter.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2013 ⏰

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