Laughing And Getting Hurt

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Test Tube's POV:
"So, what are you doing on your phone? You're always on that thing." I asked. This was something I really wanted to know. It was strange how one could self-isolate with a simple piece of metal. Fan hesitated. "Well.. Uh.. Uhm.." Suddenly, a new song came on, a song that wasnt from Beyoncé. Ignoring it, I looked straight into his eyes. "Well?" I inquired. Fan blankly stared at me. Then he shook his head and randomly started laughing. I glared at him strangely, giving him a what are you doing?! look. He looked straight into my eyes. "Let's Dance." He said. "What?" I asked. "Let's Dance." He repeated. "But I'm no good at dancing." I replied. "Haven't you seen I'm not the party type?" I stared at him like he was crazy. What was this? Does he like me? "And I'm the party type? You first came here because we both werent the party type, so deal with it." Fan laughed. I blinked, not exactly sure what to say.

We both went to the dance floor. For a moment, we just stared at each other awkwardly, trying to find out where to put our hands(and awkwardly waving them around.) "Um..." I coughed. "Heh. Sorry." Fan grinned embarrasingly. Eventually we just gave up and danced beside each other as individuals.

Despite rapid moving that probably was too horrible to count as dancing, we continued our conversation. "You ready to talk about your secret life online yet?" I joked. "Well, I surf the net." Wait.. what? Is this slang? I'm not good with all of this commoner's speech. "You surf?" I ask. "With a net?" I added. Fan burst out in awkward laughter. Others started to turn around. I stared at him again, once more giving him a What are you doing?! stare. He was laughing so hard, he didn't open his eyes, and he fell over! What is this?!?! Everyone started laughing as well. Aaagh! I dropped to the floor and looked at Fan, literally acting like one of the crazy drunk people. Is he okay?!

Fan's POV:

Ow. Did I really just fall?! WTF! Embarrassing! But I'm still laughing so hard that I cant breathe. Why was it so funny Test Tube didnt know such a common phrase? Idk, but I sure did find it darned funny. Probably even funnier than Mr. Cobs. Funnier than Cheesy's puns. Speaking of Cheesy, he's probably in the crowd of people staring at me, making some pun about fans and falling over. Heheh.. I finally stopped laughing and sat up. The floor was wet from my tears of joy. God this is... this is such a goofy moment. This is so weird!!

Lightbulb and Test Tube were the first faces staring at me when I opened my drenched eyes. Test Tube literally gave me a look that probably meant, you're insane. Honestly, this girl is insane! She doesnt know cool kid language. She. Actually. Likes. Science. And she speaks in looks! How weird is that?! Not as weird as my sudden, awkward laughing scene.

"Woo! Fan! Way to get in the party mood!" Lightbulb beamed delightfully. Everyone exchanged glances briefly, then once more returned to their endless party. I was left with Test Tube yelling at me.

"FAN! What was that?!" She screeched.
I just winked. She rolled her eyes. "You're totally embarrassing me! What's your problem if I dont know your slang?!" Steam poured out of her ears. "Chill, it's not like I told them you didnt know." I smiled. She breathed a sigh of relief, and turning around to leave me lying down. :(

"Yet." I added.

Her eyes widened, and she instantly turned right back, fiercely staring me in the face.


"Ow!" I yelled. She just slapped me?! The woman is crazy! Dumb females. I'll never understand them. "That's for being a real ass." She frowned. "Be careful what you say to me." Test Tube nagged. "Whatever you say, sweetheart." I smirked jokingly. She covered her eyes in shame. "It's gonna be a long night..." She mumbled.

Heheh. You don't know the half of it, girl.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chap! Some news; i finally added in a description about the main idea/plotline, so check it out if you want in the story description! Thanx fo reeding! :D

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