Chapter One

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It was basically a daily thing for Tyler; Seeing Jonathan and Evan together as close as they can be and even kiss had just been normal these days. Mostly everyone ignored it, but sometimes there was a squeal from Nogla, or an occasional tease. But it still was mostly ignored.

Not for Tyler, though.

He always payed attention and always watched, usually accompanied by a beer. He easedropped and took a sip of his beer each time someone turned to questionably look at him to lower any suspicions.

No one had looked at him now, though. They were all busy with their own drinking games. It really amazed Tyler how hardly anyone was passed out though, knowing how weak his friends could be with alcohol. The only one who was Craig, who had his face planted into the couch, a bottle hanging loosely from his fingers.

Tyler sighed and just looked back over to Evan and Jonathan, who were still closely together. Jonathan was drunk and Evan was doing what almost any person would do; take advantage of it. Even though drunk, Jonathan was surprisingly mature and happened to handle the alcohol well.

"Not tonight, Evan," he rejected, pulling Evan's hands out from under his shirt. "I'm drunk as all Hell."

Evan leaned down even closer to his lips. "I know. That's what'll make it fun."

Jonathan shared a smile. "Not when I'm drunk, Vanoss. We can do it tomorrow."

Evan shifted down to Jonathan's neck, making Tyler grip his bottle hard. "Come on, Jonathan; No one's paying attention." He began kissing Jonathan's neck. "What can I do to make you change your mind?"

Jonathan revealed his neck more and began tangling his fingers through Evan's hair. "This is pretty much working."

The bottle in Tyler's hand broke at this point, causing a loud "Shit!" from the now wounded Tyler. He shook his hand from the glass shards he had obtained, dripping a flew blood droplets. Looking up, he had everyone's attention. Even Craig had raised his head at the outburst.

"Sorry," Tyler muttered before going to the bathroom to rinse his hand.

"Weird," Evan muttered after he left.

Jonathan was silent for a moment before twisting out of Evan's grasp. "I'm going to go check on him."

"Oh, come on, Jonathan," Evan protested, wrapping his arms around Jonathan's waist. "He'll be alright."

"I still think it's right and go check," he objected, slipping from the warm hold once more and followed Tyler's path.

It had led up to one of the bathrooms in the home, the sound of running water and occasional cussing evident as Jonathan approached. "Tyler?" He asked, leaning onto the door frame.

Tyler jumped, dripping bloody water onto the white-tiled floor. Curses had again flew quickly from Tyler's mouth and Jonathan felt his gut burn with guilt.

"S-sorry," he said quietly, watching as the blood washed down the drain for a few seconds. "Are you alright?"

"I have glass in my hand, Jonathan," Tyler answered, obviously upset about something. "What do you think?"

Silence followed and Jonathan began the habbit of counting the dropping blood from Tyler's hand.

"D...Do you need any help?"

Tyler froze for a moment, staying silent.

Jonathan didn't wait for an answer, though, and walked over to him and gently grabbed his hand. He pulled out the remainder of the shards and cleared the blood underwater. As that finished, Jonathan wrapped the wounded hand nicely and smiled when finished. "There."

Tyler looked down to his hand and then back to Jonathan. "You can really handle your alcohol."

Jonathan gave a sigh and then laughed, leaning against the wall. "It's not an easy thing to do, trust me."

Again, silence followed but Jonathan remained where he was, staring at Tyler.

Tyler was about to speak, but someone else spoke for him.

"Hey," Evan said a bit weirdly, now appearing. "Everything alright in here?"

Tyler licked over his teeth as Jonathan smiled warmly. "Yeah, we just finished." He stood up from the wall, signaling he's about to leave.

"Everyone else is asleep. Well, passed out anyways," Evan continued.

"It's a good idea. We all should get some sleep." Jonathan said, now leaving with Evan. He stopped suddenly and turned back to Tyler. "You should get some sleep, too, Tyler. You lost a lot of blood."

Tyler nodded.

"Try not to break anymore glasses."

Tyler finally smiled. "No promises."

Jonathan smiled and shook his head. "Night, Wildcat."

"Night, Delirious."

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