Chapter Eight

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"Hey, you ready?" Jonathan asked, nudging Tyler's shoulder. 

Tyler looked up from his phone and took a moment to process Jonathan's words before jumping up. "Oh, yeah. Let me just get my - -"

"I'm paying," Jonathan confronted. "I owe it to you."

"I was going to say 'keys'."

"Charmer." Jonathan laughed. 

"But I'm not letting you pay the whole bill."

"Oh, but I will."

"Then I'll order everything on the menu," Tyler dared, secretly slipping his wallet into his back pocket.

"Bitch," Jonathan muttered, making Tyler laugh.

And, magically, a few hours foreward, they were both just a bit tipsy, laughing about anything really. Their waiter probably hated them, but at least Tyler tipped well.

"Tyler," Jonathan said, trying to be serious. "Are you sober enough to drive? Because I - " He burst out laughing. "I don't want to control my drunk side tonight."

A laugh came from Tyler's mouth. "You're lucky I am."

Jonathan leaned over the table. "What if you weren't?"

Tyler smirked, stealing glances to his lips. "Would probably drive into a fucking river."

Jonathan burst into a fit of giggles. It was good thing the bill was payed, or else their waiter would probably already have murdered them.

"We should probably go. I think our waiter is planning our deaths."

Tyler followed Jonathan's gaze to their glaring waiter, whose shift had just ended. Tyler gave him a flirty wave and Jonathan quickly pulled his arm done, laughing historically.  Tyler placed a fifty on the table before they left, now climbing into Tyler's truck.

Along the ride back, Jonathan sung to each song loudly and drunkenly, but somehow it didn't seem to annoy Tyler, much to Jonathan's amusement. 

"You know, Evan would have stopped me five songs ago," Jonathan stated around the lyrics.

"Do I look like Evan?"

Jonathan smiled cheesily and went back to singing, Tyler laughing and sometimes joining in with him. 

Finally, they arrived home, probably way past midnight. And probably waking up many neighbors, but to think they cared was completely false.

"Well, that was fun," Tyler stated once they were in front of the house's door.

"You fucking bet!" Jonathan said, laughing again. "We should really hang out like that more often." Tyler nodded in agreement and Jonathan turned to him once the door was unlocked. "Seriously, though, thanks for being there for me."

Tyler smiled. "Always."

"I know I can be a huge dick sometimes, but you always forgive me so easily." Jonathan shook his head. "Thank you," he muttered before pressing his lips to Tyler's.

Tyler had froze for a moment before thinking fuck it and kissed back, causing Jonathan to smile, still pressed into the kiss.

Too shortly after, they pulled back and smiled at each other. 

"Goodnight, Wildcat."

"Night, Delirious."

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