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Ugh. Why did I decide to walk home. It so cold!

You wrap your arm around yourself attempting you hold in as much of your body heat as possible. You turn left into an alley, so you can get home faster.

When you were roughly half way through the alley, you got pushed up against the wall. The bag of comics you were holding in your hands falls to the ground and you lose your breathe for a second. Your back hits the wall and you stare wide-eyed at the person who did this to you. He towered over you and the street lamps and the moonlight didn't do much to let you see him. His eyes were glowing a gold color and it stood out from his dark silhouette.

You both stared at each other for a few seconds until he began leaning into you. With one hand, he pushes your hair away from your neck and leans more towards you.He takes in a deep breathe and pauses for a second. He pulls away from you, but his hands remain at you shoulders, pinning you down. You felt immobile and didn't know how to handle this situation.

Some guy was pinning you to the wall, smelling you.

He looks at you and opens his mouth slightly, enough to show you his white canines. Your eyes widen with excitement.

A vampire?! They're real?!

Excitement raced throughout you body at the thought of your favorite mythical creature being real.

He leaned back to your neck and you still weren't scared. He was expecting you to scream, but nothing came from your mouth except a small smile. He pulls away from you and looks you dead in the eye.

"You aren't scared?" He asks you. His voice was deep and a bit husky.

"Nope." You pop the p.


"Huh? Why am I interesting?" You ask him, confused. You never considered yourself 'interesting'. YOu were just some geek that was overly obsessed with the idea of vampires, werewolves, angels, etc. being real. You were sucked into the world of comics, manga and anime, and had big nerd glasses on your face.

"You do know, that lots of people would be very scared in this situation, right?"

"Well, I just think that vampires are interesting."

"Oh really. So this doesn't scare you?" He puts his mouth near you neck and allows his canines to lightly touch your skin. You gulp.

"Nope." You lie. You were actually a bit scared.

"Okay then," He pretends to believe your lie. "I think I'll keep you then." He looks you dead in the eyes when he says that.

Before you have anytime to respond, he takes you by the hand and starts to drag you away.

"Wait!" You say and he stops. You wriggle you hand out of his and quickly grab your bag of comics that had fallen earlier. You went back to his side and he looks at you like you're a psycho, but all you do is smile at him. He scoffs, and grabs your hand again and drags you away from the alley.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere." Is all he says. You feel a bit awkward in this situation. It was EARLY in the morning and you were meaning to go home from a friends, but instead your getting dragged by some guy you didn't even know the name of, to "somewhere"

"My name's Jaebum. Im Jaebum." He says as if he read your mind.

"I'm Kim Seolhyun." You answer back. The sky was still dark, and you occasionally looked up at the stars.

After a bit more walking, he stops in front of an elevator. You were too dazed to notice that you were in a building already. When the doors open, he quickly pushes you in and hits the number 10.

The annoying elevator music splits the silence between you two.

"Where are we?"

"My apartment."

"Why are we here."

"'Cuz I said I would keep you, remember."

"What are you going to do with me?" You ask, slightly scared.

"What's with all these questions?" He asks, slightly annoyed. You just shrug and he sighs.

"I'm not going to do anything with you. Just stay with me for a bit. If you feel uncomfortable, I'll let you leave. Oh, and by the way I live with 6 other people." Six?!

"Oh, okay then." The doors had opened and he grabs your hand again and drags you through the halls.

He stops at a door labeled as 10-20. He pulls out a key and opens the door. He ushers you in and your greeted by a doorway full of shoes. It a tiny obstacle just to get through. You take off your shoes and place them in an empty spot near the wall. You follow him deeper into the apartment and the sound of fake guns and the screams and yells gets louder. You see four boys sitting in the living room while a game of Call Of Duty was one the screen. Two boys with controllers were absorbed into the TV, while one of them kept yelling. Another on was sitting by the two on the couch, on his phone and the last one was sitting on the floor with a dog on his lap.

"Guys!" Jaebum yells. The two boys who weren't playing look at the both of you and the two others pause the game.

"This is Seolhyun." He simply says and you bow.

"Sup I'm Jackson." One of the guys who was playing says.

"Bambam." The other one says.

"I'm Mark." Th guy who was on his phone says.

"I'm Youngjae." The one with the dog says.

"Where are the other two?" Jaebum asks.

"Out" Jackson replies, while he resumes the game. Jaebum nods and he grabs your shoulder and drags you to some room.

"So...why'd you bring me here. I have to get back home."

"'re going to stay with us." He says.

"Huh? But my apartment! My comics!" You whisper the last part.

"We'll help you move in. You'll have to share a room with me though. Is that okay?"

"I guess, but why?"

"There's something about you. Its for your safety as well."

You wanted to keep fighting back, but you agreed. Your mouth didn't follow what your brain wanted.

"Great! We can grab your stuff tomorrow. For now you'll just have to sleep here." He says. You were grateful that you were wearing comfortable clothing already and just agreed.

Sleep started to hit you from the fact that you got no sleep. Good thing it was the weekend.

You kept yawning every five minutes and Jaebum noticed that you were getting tired.

"You can sleep on the bed. You seem tired." You were two busy yawning,so he pushed you down in the bed and covered you with the sheets. You fell asleep almost instantly and Jaebum sat on the edge of the bed, looking at you.

You looked so peaceful in your sleep and Jaebum couldn't help but want to kiss you. He held back though.

"Seolhyun. I think I love you already." He whispers and gets up from the bed and walks away form you. He turns of the light and walks out the door.

I am currently still working on the other chapters, so please be patient and wait for those! I will do my best to post them quickly!

Fantasy Love (Got7/JB Fanfic) ||SLOW UPDATES||Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя