feeling sick

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Scherlina POV:
Has me and Edward walk down the football field my head is going crazy I don't know what to think I had is spinning.im surrounding by 5 football players Edward said just in case things go down so I could be safe but I don't know what I'm going to tell him when he asks why I moved. I can feel the blood rushing through my head has all these memories comes back right now and Edward holding my hand telling me it's going to be ok. We Have reached the end of the football field I can see Erin face. He looks so calm but inside he's a monster I feel like my dream is going to become true why did he have to lose my trust.
Edward: let's do this quick we dont have time to waste
Erin: where's my sister
Scherlina : I'm right here
Scherlina comes up from behind Edward
Scherlina: what do you want? I want you to leave I don't know why you followed me here why what do you want. don't you have kids and wife to take care of .leave me alone is there anything you want to say you already broked me.
( Tears start to fall from her eyes)
Erin: I just came to say I'm sorry I want to take you home. I want to make everything better between us that's what Mom and Dad would want. I know they would never forgive me for I have done to you I can make it better I promise. Just come home with me please my wife is dying to see you she never forgave me. your an aunt come see my kids just for a week you can bring Edward please come.
Edward : bro don't make her upset cuz I'm the one that's going to have to make her feel better at the end if she says no it's no is that all you have to say well if we're done here we gotta go. anything else you promise you won't get her upset but you did are we done here come on Scherlina let's go.
Erin : man I'm tired of your bull s*** she not yours I can take care of her myself I'm tired this game.
( Erin goes and punch Edward they start fighting scherlina tries to break it up but and ends up getting hurt Edward stop fighting when he sees scherlina crying now Erin feels bad and runs away.
Erin: what have I done I just made everything worse no she's never going to forgive me I don't know what I'm going to do I might as well just go home.

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