Chapter 2: Hands To Myself

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6 Years Later... New York City

"It was the fourth one I've lost, she blamed me because of it."

"Why?" Doctor Reed asked.

"She said I was too excited. 'You were making me stressed,' she said... I... just want to be happy like everyone else. My friends Nathan and Lucca found love with each other because I helped out and it makes me happy that they're happy... All my relationships have gone completely sour...," I reply tiredly, I tire of talking about this subject.

"What about Alexis?"

I felt the lump form in my throat and I gave him low key annoyed side eye, "What about her?" I grumble. Even if it has been years I still wanted nothing more than to forget..., but I couldn't.

"Why not reconcile with her?"

"How can I trust her after she looked me in the eyes as if she never did anything?"

"It won't be the same, but you can try if you-"

"No," I interrupted, "I'm done with that chapter of my life. I don't want to go back to that, I moved here to New York 6 years ago to get away with that.... remember?"

Doctor Reed smiled and shrugged, "You're improving. When we first started these 'sessions' you still wanted her. It's clear you're... hesitant to start dating, but that's normal for everyone who has gotten out of a bad breakup.... or several."

"I'm 31 years old... I should be married by now...." I muttered more to myself than Reed. I wanted a marriage like Lucca and Nathan... Even after 11 years they still loved each other unconditionally. Thanks to me of course for setting them up all those years ago by dropping Lucca on Nathan's lap.... I smiled fondly to myself.... those were better times, they were fun memories to remember.

Ding! Ding!

"Times up, huh?" I murmured and stretched.

"Of course, but I'm going to say this as your friend and not your doctor... It's okay to be nervous," He said softly and got up, patting my shoulder.

"Thanks for dealing with me,"I chuckled and got up as well. "I better get to work..."

"Excited to work with the Aurora's Sirens*?"

I shrugged, "Yeah, but I'm more concerned that the Sirens will be bratty..."

"In that case good luck my friend. What do you wanna do after work?"

"You?" I jokingly asked, smirking.

Reed scowled, "You know I have a fiancé and this friendship of ours is just that... A friendship."

"You'll always be my bestie even if you're married," I wink and show off the friendship bracelet he made me when we were drunk one night; he blushed profusely from embarrassment, "I always ask myself, why are all my friends gay? I must give off gay signals..." I chuckled quietly.

He huffed a little miffed, "Well, it doesn't help that you dress like someone who's spent a few years in the closet." He then grabbed his jacket and put it on.

My jaw dropped, "Ouch, bestie. I'm wounded."

He smirked and left our small apartment. I shook my head trying to clear that sick burn from my mind. I hated him sometimes..., but he was a good friend and psychologist... We met almost two years ago, when I got kicked out from by my ex-wife.

The clock chimed 8 AM. I had better get going if I wanted to make it to work on time with a venti Starbucks in hand. I grab my coat and camera bag. It was time to start the morning grind.

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