Chapter 1

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*There may be graphic scenes in the book. I will put a warning before any chapters with graphic scenes and you can choose whether to read that chapter or not. Don't complain if you don't like those scenes. Just don't read them*

My twitter is @dramaticurly.. It is a fan account, but I will also update on it on upcoming chapters, ideas, etc and you can tweet me on there or comment in this fan fic if you have any questions. Thank you!!

(This is my first fan fiction. I'm not really sure what to expect of it. I'm just going to give it a shot, so please don't judge me. I really hope you like it. I tried keeping it as original as possible, because it seems every idea nowadays is simply getting recycled. Okay, I'm done with this irrelevant paragraph. Enjoy :) -Nina )

Call me an asshole. About every friend since elementary school has at this point. They've said much worse, and I don't enjoy thinking about it. I don't enjoy thinking about who I've become, how I've changed in so many ways. I don't know myself anymore. This isn't me and I'm a completely and fully aware of that. I don't need the reminder from my ex best friends every week.

*Flashback to 4th Grade*

"Guys! Can I join along, I love hide and seek!" I say, already preparing myself for the response that was about to leave their mouths.

" Don't talk to us, Kate. When will you realize no one wants to be around you?" I don't need sympathy. I'm used to it. I'm used to being shut down like this, so I isolate myself. It makes me feel like I'm not alone somehow. And for once, I have everything to myself. I don't have someone telling me what to do and what not to do.

So, here I am, sitting in the corner by myself during recess. I watch as the kids play and laugh and joke around and hug and sing. And I'm not a part of that, I don't mind, honestly. They're all rude, and I would never let myself be around that. I tried for about 3 years until I realized it's a waste of time.

*Flashback Over*

It hurts. It hurts thinking about the state I was in in fourth grade. Nobody seems to understand the neglect and pain I felt all through elementary school. I would never have made it through fifth and 6th without April and Hazel. But I lost them, and it's too late to get them back. It fucking sucks.

Everyone here thinks I have it all figured out. When I walk into Newtown High, every eye is on me. It's weird and I'm still not used to it. I don't think I will ever process the status I am now in. This popularity. The attention that surrounds me on the daily. I actually get invited to parties. People actually acknowledge my existence. I had no choice but to put myself in this position from the start of high school. Now I'm not saying I regret it, I just wish back then, when I wanted change, I knew the difference between change for the better and change for the good.

But now I'm stuck. I'm stuck in this group of girls that I don't even enjoy the company of. They're all stuck up, picky, rich girls. They're pretty, they get everything they want, and I hate being a part of it. There's ups and downs to the popularity and I must say the worst part is forgetting who you are. With these girls, the people I now call my "friends," they have such a good way of making others do what they want, sometimes you forget if you really want it or if it was a manner of forcing.

I stumble out of bed and stare at the mirror. Wow, I look half decent. I pick up my phone and scroll through the 12 new text messages I have from my friends. 6 years ago, back in 6th grade, I would have woken up to 0 text messages and 4 missed calls from my mom. But I'm a senior now, I'm popular, and things have changed.

I head over to the bathroom and perform my daily routine. I brush my teeth, shower, and dry off my hair. It is quite a hassle waking up at 5 in the morning everyday just to look nice, but that's one of the things I have to adjust to. I apply my heavy makeup making me look almost unrecognizable but stunning in a strange manner. I brush my hair and head over to my closet which was once filled with sweats and worn down shirts. Now my closet is filled with satin dresses, short skirts, and far too revealing tops. And everyday I question whether these clothes are what my high school friends have made me wear or if they reflect on who I truly am.

I wear a blue spaghetti strap shirt with sequins towards the top of the shirt and a pair of dark blue capris. For my shoes, I wear white 5 inch heels. It may seem over the top, but it's casual for the friends of mine. I eat a healthy breakfast and head out to my car. It's not the greatest car, but I am grateful my parents even agreed to get me a car at 18.

I arrive at school and am greeted by my group of girl friends including, Juliette, Hayley, and Brooke as I head out my car door. I've had the same parking spot all year, next to my friends. Everyone at school recognizes that I am not too fond of others in my space. I close the car door, and Brooke drags me into the school with heaps of gossip, not that I'm surprised. As she blabbers on about her date with Ashton, my eye catches the basketball team walk out the gym. Oh lord, I really don't want Harry to come over here. Fucking douche. The basketball team is just another crowd of cocky and perverted guys who wouldn't know respect if it slapped them in the face. Of course, Harry's walking over to my direction...When will he stop and grasp the damn idea that I don't want him and I don't think he's hot whatsoever? His unbrushed curly hair and sweaty forehead does not suit me.

"Hey babe." He leans on the locker aside mine and smirks at me. Typical.

"Get away from me," I retort. I slam my locker and turn away without making another look at that dog.

The day goes by smoothly and thank God I don't see Harry once more. I intentionally avoid any areas in the school near the gym where him and his arrogant friends might be. I meet up with Juliette and Brooke at my car.

"That fucking pervert Harry won't get away from me. It's so annoying, I swear if he doesn't get away from me I will.."

"Kate! Do you know how many girls would date him?" Brooke points out.

"I don't care, he's rude and has no respect for me or any girl."

Brooke rolls her eyes and sighs. "Someday you'll pull through, Kate. I know it."

"Sure Brooke. You obviously don't know my taste in guys well enough." I am slightly annoyed in her interest in me and Harry but I love her to death, and I know she only has good intentions. Nothing will happen, so it shouldn't matter so much to me.

I part my ways with Brooke as she heads to her car. I close the car door and head home, with my eyes fixed on the road. As I enter my house, I notice a burning smell approaching the front entrance from the kitchen. Great, my mom is cooking. She's not the best cook. She's not terrible but something always goes wrong.

"Mom! I'm home!" I yell as I take my shoes off at the front door.

"Hi sweetie! I'm baking cupcakes!"

"Yeah, I can sorta the smell" I chuckle.

I hear a beeping sound from my phone. I seat myself on one of the chairs facing our kitchen island and open my phone.

Unknown Number:

Hey babe

(please vote and comment your opinions! I really want to know what you guys think and know that people are actually reading my work! Thank you so so much I love you :)

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