Chapter 21

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HI!!! I actually can't believe this!! 5000 reads. WOW!! THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH YOU GUYS. Thank you so much for voting and reading and sticking with the story.


some of the replies on the last chapter were a bit muddled up.

AND.......oh my god. Are you guys ready for rizzle kicks new album to be released. I pre-ordered mine and i can't wait for it to come!!!! I'm so excited!!


The next day, I woke up. The bed was empty. I call out Jordan’s name a few times before giving up. He must have left early or something. I take a long, hot shower, scrubbing every inch of my body with shower gel. I wash my hair, letting the sweet, sharp lemon scent of the shampoo distract my mind from wandering. Yesterday, in the forest, was so magical. It was perfect. Jordan is perfect. It was good to be able to talk to him, to understand more about him. I’m scared that I’m going to lose him, that he’ll meet someone new, someone prettier than me, someone better than me. Then I’ll have lost him forever. I can’t let that happen. But it could happen. He could just leave, walk out my life. He could easily pretend that nothing had ever happened between us, that it was just a fling.

 Me? I couldn’t do that, not so easily. I don’t know what I’d do if he ever decided to leave. It just wouldn’t be that same without him. He makes me whole, like the missing piece to a puzzle. I would miss everything about him.  I would miss his cheeky smile and his over-protectiveness. But, just as easily, he could be taken away from me, killed. I know what he does is dangerous. But, what I’d like to know is what he would do if I ever left him. What if I was taken away? Would he miss me? Would he think about me every day? Would he think of all the little things about me? Just like I would do. But how far would he be willing to go to save, me? To protect me. I’ll never know.

I tug on a jacket and sling my school bag over my shoulder, before slamming the front door behind me. I slowly spin around on the pavement.  Jordan is nowhere to be seen. I sigh, and then continue on the long walk to school. The cool breeze picks up my short hair, making it fly around my face. I shove my hands deep into my pockets and put my head down, wishing I could spend another day in the forest with Jordan.

By the time I arrive at school, the place is swarming with teenagers. They’re laughing and shouting with each other. No one takes any notice of me anymore. I’m still labelled as ‘the new girl’ but I can blend in now. I like it this way. I still attract attention when I walk with Jordan. People would turn and stare, wanting to see what is happening. But now, when I’m alone, no one cares. They all just carry on like normal.

I spot Lauren, Jenny and Jake over on a bench by the field, they haven’t seen me yet. They look happy, laughing and talking, probably about the latest film they went to see. They didn’t invite me, but it wasn’t like I was expecting an invite anyway. Lauren turns around, spotting me walking towards them, and waves at me. I give a small wave in return.

-“Hey!” Lauren and Jenny say, moving up on the bench to make room for me, I reply with a small smile. I pull my bag off my shoulders, dumping it on the floor next to my feet. Jake makes eye contact with me, I can’t tell what he is thinking. He doesn’t look angry or anything, just tired perhaps, or annoyed. I can still see the faint bruise of his face, it still makes me wince in pain.

-“Where were you yesterday, you missed art class,” Jenny questions, turning to me.

-“I…umm….umm….I…I was ill,” I stutter.

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