Chapter 14

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Jadas p.o.v.

"I mean sure our relationship wasn't perfect but I didn't know it was this bad" Tony explained as we ate dinner

"She just wasn't the one Tony" I told him with a sympathetic smile "you'll find her soon"

"I sure hope so I'm 30 years old if it hasn't happened by now it's probably never going to happen" he said hanging his head down low

"Hey it will happen you just have to be patient. It will all work out eventually" I told him, he smiled

"Thank you for today. This talking shit is actually helping" he said I chuckled "anytime Tony" he smiled

"So how are things going with you and Mike?" I smiled "things are going really good I know we've only been together for about a week but it's the happiest I've been in a while" I said "that's good I'm glad you're happy" he said with a smile

He muttered something that I couldn't make out but decided to not ask about seeing that it's none of my business

"Yeah he's been very helpful as well with the rest of you with helping me deal with my whole parent situation" I said his eyebrows furrowed together

"You never did tell me what happened with your parents. Can you tell me?" He asked I nodded "my parents and I we never really got along we could never see eye to eye on anything they were very abusive thankfully not physically but they were verbally and emotionally abusive which is just as bad if you ask me which is why I ran away and then you found me and took me in" I told him with a smile

"Aren't you scared that they are going to find you?" I shook my head "no I'm 19 I'm an adult already they technically can't do shit anymore" he nodded "yeah I guess you're right" he said

"I'm glad I found you" he said with a smile after starring at me for a couple seconds "I glad you found me too Tony" he put his hand on top of mine which was resting on top of the table and gave me a warm loving smile

***hi guys new chapter vote and comment your thoughts. I'm so STOKED for warped tour this year the line up is amazing which bands are y'all excited to see preform?***

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