Chapter 18

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Mike's p.o.v.

I followed the directions my phone was giving me anxiously waiting to get Jada. Tony had explained what happened I was beyond pissed but the fact that Jada pulled away made me feel slightly better.

This isn't the first time Tony try's going for one of my girlfriends, they always end up going to Tony but when they realize he isn't the guy they think he is they try and crawl back to me.  I never let them back in though, if they are easy to go for my one of my best friends then they aren't worth it.

I drove for another 5 minutes until I got to my destination I found Jada circled by two people, a man and a woman; she looked terrified and they looked like they were having the time of there life "get off me!" Jada yelled when the older guy tried grabbing her arm "Shit!" I said quickly parking my car and getting off.

"HEY!" I yelled, the people holding Jada turned around the man was wearing an annoying smirk on his face and the woman looked scared shitless

"Let her go!" The man laughed at what I said "and who are you? Her pimp? I wouldn't be surprised" I balled my hands into fist "no I'm her boyfriend" I said through gritted teeth" he laughed "aw how cute" I couldn't take any more of this guy I walked closer to him and punched him in the face the lady with him gasped and ran to his side "Jada let's go!" I grabbed her hand and she ran toward my truck with me

"Who were they?" I asked once we were on the road again "my parents" she said quietly wiping away some tears "oh my god how did they find you?" She sighed "apparently they were visiting my aunt I forgot I had an aunt here but then again I didn't know where we were until five minutes ago" I gripped the steering wheel tighter

"Are you mad at me?" She asked I shook my head "no, not anymore at least"

"I kissed him back I feel terrible about it I regret it so much"

"I think we should break up" I said swallowing the big lump that was in my throat


"Not forever just for a little while just until things cool down" I told her I looked at her from the corner of my eye "I-I understand" she said her lip quivering I sighed and continued  driving down the road

I don't want this break up to be permanent just temporary I like her I really do but things just need to cool down I'm  still pissed off at Tony and the fact that she kissed him back hurts but at least she was honest about it

We parked in front of the bus and went through the front door "thank Mike and I'm sorry for everything" she said before we went our separate ways

***hi guys I hope you enjoyed this vote and comment your thoughts and please check out my new story's called "Cracked" and "save me"***

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