He finds out you have a boyfriend

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He finds out you have a boyfriend

Zayn: (Age 5) "Zaynie, Zaynie, Zaynie it's my birthday wake up sleepybones where's my present!" Today it was your birthday and it was 10am when you woke up. You walked into your brother zayns room but found him sleeping. "Zaynie!!!!" you yelled. "And I'm up. Vas happenin (y,n)." Zayn asked. " Do you remember what today is?" you asked wondering if he remembered. "Hmmm is it..... christmas" he said joking with you. "NO" you yelled. "Ummmm Monday" "NO, ITS TUESDAY" You yelled louder starting to cry. "Oh baby i didnt wanna make you cry. Happy Birthday!" He said kissing you and giving you your present. It was a beautiful dress. Wow bro now I can wear it to show Aaron my boyfriend." you yelled happily. "Your what now?" Zayn asked making sure he didn't hear right. "My boyfriend from school, we're dating." you said proudly. "Oh no." Zayn muttered under his breath.

Niall: (Age 16) Niall didn't want you to have a boyfriend, well not at your age is what he says. He thinks your to young. So one day your best friend Roben asked you out and you obviously agreed cuz you had a MAJOR crush on him. You and Roben have been dating for 2 months behind Niall's back now  when the truth all came out. The door bell rang and it turned out to be Roben who was at your house. "Robe babe what are you doing here my brothers here and if he..." but before you finished NIall came. "Yes I am here and why are you calling your best friend babe hey." Niall asked suspiciausly. "Look, I can't lie to you anymore, Roben's my boyfriend, I know you think I'm young but I'm not and I know Roben he'd never break my heart, im fact he's so lovinng , caring , sweet and he never lets anyone be mean to me. Just, please give him a chance bro." You pleaded hoping Niall understood. "I'm sorry (Y,n) I've been treating you like a baby. I guess i could give you to a chance.

Liam: (Age 13) Liam was okay as he set you up with a boy.

Louis: (Age 18) When Louis found out that you were dating Harry, he was NEVER happy. He didn't think Harry was the right guy for you. He'd fume seeing you and his best friend together and he'd lie to the boys that he needs you so your away from Harry. Zayn, Niall, and Liam all came to Louis's and your house and went to Louis's bedroom where they found him reading a book. Liam knocked the door and without Louis looking he said "Go away (Y,n) I said i want time alone." "Uhhh mate is it okay if we come in." Zayn asked. "Oh you guys sure but haz aint with ya is he?" he asked. "No" The 3 boys came in.

Liam: So umm y arnt u happy with (Y,n) and Harry together?


Zayn: Cuz what?

Louis: Look I'm not happy about my sister and my best friend going out cuz obviously one day they'll have to break up and I don't want my best mate hurting my only sisters heart and when we go on tour I don't want my sister crying herslf to sleep cuz she misses harry or harry cheats on my little sister. I have many reasons. Look Zayn would you like it if Safaa went out with Niall.

NIall: Look, just give em a chance.

Louis: I gotta think about it, sorry.

Harry: "So urm (Y,n) you know when i confiscated your phone?" Harry said starting his sentance with a giggle. "Yeahhh?" you say moodily. "Well actually a boy named Jacob..." he stopped to looka t your face. Mouth and eyes both wide open. "Close your mouth sis you'll catch flies. Anyway Jacob sent you a text saying So babe wanna go out for dinner tonight and then I just read through your messages with Jacob and it was all bf gf talk so Question 1 is he your boyfriend." He asked smirking. After awhile of hesitation you answered "Yes" "Ooook question 2 what shall i send him." he said laughing. "Oh just put No i cant come out today J cuz my arsehole brother wont let me out the house." You said with gritted teeth and your arms folded. "Ok" Harry said running off.

A/N: I found Zayn's and Harry's funny lol!

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