A new man on the other side

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The men on the other side of the glass always stayed the same. Cas knew every face by heart, she even gave them nicknames based on their appearances. The older man was ghandi, because she had read about him in a book once, and he was rather old to, the women who wore to much makeup under her eyes she called mimi. Because she had seen a picture in a magazine once of a women who did the same, with a label 'mimi' at the bottom. And the other man who was younger than the rest she called pete, because he wore a patch on his coat that read P.E.T.E.. Of course she didnt know the true meaning of the letters, but she enjoyed calling him that.

On the 3rd day into the week, all the men on the other side showed up. Cas counted 1 (pete) 2 (ghandi) and 3 (mimi). And 4. Wait, she thought. There isnt supposed to be a fourth man. She tilted her head in curiosity and paced over to the glass. As she examined him, he smiled, he thought it was cute. She stared at his smile for a minute flat and he never stopped showing it. She looked him in the eyes and smiled right back. No one really smiled at her before. The men (and mimi) were usually quiet stern when they came in. She saw out of the corner of her eye that the other 3 men were furiously jotting things down and looking over to her with wild eyes. They were just as amazed at her reaction as the boy was. She was still in awe as to why they would bring a new man in. Maybe, she thought, they were giving her a friend. After another few minutes of smiling back at each other, the 4 men left through the thick steel door. Cas walked back to her cot and lay there. What was that feeling stirring in her stomach?

Over the next few days they continued to bring this boy in. Cas enjoyed him being there. Well, not with her, but on the other side of the glass. She got so excited when he would walk in, she would take her favorite pictures from her magazines and hold them up to the glass and she would gesture to her favorite books pointing them out, in order by which she liked best. And all the while he would smile and nod and just watch her intently. And sometimes, they would exchange a look that lasted for almost a full two minutes. He would even bring in things to show her, like drawings and odd things he'd found and she would just gaze and get lost in the wonders he showed her. But everytime he would come in, he eventually had to go. And Cas would get a sad feeling along with the feeling she had in her stomach the first time they had met.

After 2 weeks of the boy coming in Cas expected him there with the men everyday, and he never failed, but one day, he came in differently. He was wearing a white coat, just like the others. She smiled widely at him and went to do so back but was given a stern look by pete. His smile faded and just looked at her blankly. Just as the rest did. She sat there. Completely ignoring what ever happened around her. She had a new feeling in her stomach, and not like the one before. This on was a sick angry feeling, and she soon felt heat coming from her eyes. She wiped her hand on her cheek and a clear liquid remain. Tears. Hot tears. Because the men outside the glass, had taken yet another thing from her.

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