The REAL Beach

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So I kinda got kidnapped by the host club...woo( fake enthusiasm). So here I am just tagging along with the host club as always because they are fun, and America had some very boring things and this is my first time with a group of friends( foreshadowing hint hint). So we finally arrived at the beach and to tell you the truth it was more boring than the tide here. They brought work, yes work. The only exiting thing that happened in the early morning/afternoon was when Haruhi and Honey and I found all of the seafood we had for dinner. Oh and when they tried to find mine and Haruhi's fears. We both have the same fear and we probably won't be experiencing that fear in a while. So at the end of the day though some girls where on a rock and we're looking at the sunset and I almost had gone up there with them but I went against it being to lazy to climb up there. Then some mean dudes stared to be rude to them so now my laziness is gone and I'm running up the rock. I don't really have any place to put my swords and I never had time to get them so they are at home. So doing the best thing high schoolers can do being it for homework or chores I improvised and so did Haruhi she and I threw a bucket of seafood at them. Then they grabbed Haruhi and me and held us over the big rock and then Honey ran up and so did Tama-chan so they tried to get me and Haruhi but the meanies dropped us and since we landed on our backs and it was cold it was hard to try and swim. They both dove in and saved us and brought us out of the water.
" What were you both thinking you could of been really hurt!" Yelled Tama-chan.
" We just wanted to help." I stated.
"But you both are not martial art experts like Honey and Mori , and Emma you can only use your swords, you could have been seriously hurt!"
" Yeah but we just wanted to help I don't see anything wrong with it." Said Haruhi.
" I was also really worried about you too Em-chan." Said Honey.
So to sum up this conversation they both were mad and refused to talk to us and we were both mad as well. So dinner was awkward because tension. Me and Haruhi are both thinking about apologizing to Honey and Tamiki later.

Okay I finally updated so success and I am even busier if that even makes since in a few weeks science fair and every weekday morning @ 7:25 math yay work and p.s. IT SUCKS BEING "SMART"! Even thought I'm not really that smart so the rant is officially over you may proceed to you daily actions Bye!

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