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"Hey, Honey when are you going to apologize to Emma?" Haruhi said.
"I'm not sure if I should she is probably really mad at me," Honey said.
"She is probably really upset, not mad. Try and talk to her, and try and get her to forgive you."
"I'll try but I better hurry,bye!"

Emma was going to her class but had a few minutes to spare so she went around the school walking to pass the time. She was walking towards her classroom when she heard a voice yelling her name. She turned her head to see Honey coming her way.
"Emma! I need to talk to you please?"
"What is it?" She said exasperated at the whole situation.
"I'm so so sorry! The car broke half way to your house and we where on the road so we had to wait a while for a mechanic and by the time we got the car fixed it was almost 12 AM." Said Honey while almost crying.
"Then why didn't you call?"
"Where we where at my phone did not work,I'm sorry."
Emma sighed and said,"I forgive you."
"Really! Thank you I'll make it up to you I promise!" He yelled hugging her.
"Hey Emma can I ask you something?"
"Would you be my girlfriend?"
Now it was Emma's turn to yell out." Finally!" She yelled leaning up and kissing him.
To say he was shocked was an understatement a more accurate representation of what he looked like was like lightning had struck him and he couldn't respond to anything anyone was saying or asking.
When Emma pulled away he asked.
"Is that a yes?"
"What do you think." she said kissing him again.

Everyone's reaction was pretty much the same. "FINALLY!"
Everyone agreed this was way over do so everyone was happy... Well except for one person.

Cliffhanger yay!

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