I Saw You Twice

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I first saw you alone.
I didn't think much of you.
I was too caught up with what I was going through to think of anyone but me.
So I went through an infinity of crying, screaming, and pining for another a world apart.
I couldn't think of the person who had
looked at me with interest.
Not when I had to mourn of what was lost.
I couldn't think of the person who saw more then a fucked-up person.
Not when I was caught up in a doomed first romance.

Then I saw you again.
This time, you stuck to my mind.
For days afterward, I saw bright skies and rolling pastures and roaring fire and deadly ice.
This time, I caught your gaze.
It wasn't for long.
I can barely call it a gaze, for it was such a small instant that it was seems imaginary.
But it was long enough.
It was real enough.
In that instant, I saw a future.
I hadn't seen it the first time.
But I had caught it the second time.

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