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"How bad is it?" the soldier man asks me, once we reach enough altitude. "The mainland, I mean."

"Pretty bad," I reply, keeping my eyes on the floor.

"We don't hear from a lot of people, anymore," the soldier continues. "Figured almost everyone has died or turned, already."

"Almost," I say, turning my eyes outside. Through the windows of the ever-distancing hospital building, I can see the zombies taking over the fifth floor, wave after wave until the whole row of windows is one gray mass.

It's quiet here. Even over the sound of the wind gushing in through the openings, it's quiet.

No zombies talking. No grunts.

I pull my gaze back inside the chopper. In front of us, just after a small patch of broken city, the ocean extends itself ahead in blackness until the horizon.

"What's your name?"

I look down at my hand. Slowly, I open my fingers. Levon's Mortal Kombat medal shines bright at me, reflecting the internal lights of the helicopter like a gemstone.

"Kid?" the soldier tries again. "Can you hear me?"

"Eve," I say, looking up from the medal to the soldier. Out the window behind him, land gives way to sea, as the chopper flies steadily towards what I hope are better days.

"My name is Eve."

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