It all started when Laura and I where walking down the hall way all we saw was Alice about to get punched in the face. Her and Jason were fighting again (they fight a lot Alice just won't give him up).So me and Laura came to break it up cause Laura was the one who didn't care about the story if You were caught yelling or Fighting one of her friends you better run. She pushed Jason out of the building cause no guys were even allowed in there. After I comforted Alice that everything was fine. After all three of us went into mine and Alice's room. After we talked Laura told Alice not to text or even notify Jason . Laura left and I hopped in the shower but she reassured Alice not to text Jason . So after I took a shower I got in bed we were both in bed on our phones we were talking I told her to move on she said your right tomorrow is a new day without Jason and after we kept talking and eventually we just fell asleep.
The next morning I get ready as usual and head toward the coffee shop on campus, but this morning was different people were gathered around the main building which was always unlocked but there was security guards watching though . There was people crying there I stood Tyler came behind me gave me a hug as I fell to my knees in shock and tears there was Laura right next to me there stood a memorial of Alice Kirkwood. An officer was near by I asked him what happened he said that Alice had committed suicide I told him what Alice said the night before about how tomorrow was a new day and complained how people don't say that that night before they committed suicide. Laura just hugged me and tore me away. It was such a sad day on campus since Alice lit up a place as soon as she entered.
|||||||||||||That night my room was so lonely I felt my stomach just ache.
Alice walked to the edge and jumped i screamed
(It was a nightmare)
I woke up from terror just shaking until I just lost it and cried I called Laura she came to my room we just sat and talked about Alice.
Later that day I went to talk to I asked him if he pushed Alice of the edge , but Jason just lost control and shoved me against the wall choking me I cried Tyler came and pushed him and I just ran in fear what will happen to me.|||||||||||||||||||||
That's the first chapter hoped you liked it keep reading to find out what happens next